Calc_fold_CV_Error: Apply Parameter Tuning

Description Usage Arguments Value


For each fold in the cross validation, calls Get_CVWeights to split into training and validation data and get weights, then applies Calculate_CV_Error over all candidate values for alpha. Returns array of dimensions 6 by 3 by length(parvec) containing errors. Dimensions index (1) type of error calculated 1-MSE without downweighting outliers in CV error 2-MAPE without downweighting outliers in CV error 3-MSE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRF 4-MAPE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRF 5-MSE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRFL 6-MAPE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRFL (2) applied to all cases in TRAIN2, outliers only, nonoutliers only (3) index of alpha from parvec


Calc_fold_CV_Error(TRAIN, TestInd, fold, ndsize, OutlierInd, parvec,
  tol = 10^-4, ntreestune = ntreestune)



matrix of training cases with response in last column


Matrix indicating which cases are in test (validation) set, TRAIN2


number of fold within cross validation


nodesize random forest tuning parameter for cross validation


Vector of zeros and ones indicating whether training cases came from contaminating distribution


vector of candidate values for tuning parameter alpha


maximal change in interation for LOWESSRF weights in cross validation


number of trees to use for forests involved in parameter tuning


Returns array of dimensions 6 by 3 by length(parvec) containing errors. Dimensions index (1) type of error calculated 1-MSE without downweighting outliers in CV error 2-MAPE without downweighting outliers in CV error 3-MSE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRF 4-MAPE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRF 5-MSE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRFL 6-MAPE downweighting outliers according to BisqwtRFL (2) applied to all cases in TRAIN2, outliers only, nonoutliers only (3) index of alpha from parvec

AndrewjSage/RFLOWESS documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:38 a.m.