Shade: Produce a Shaded Curve

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ShadeR Documentation

Produce a Shaded Curve


Sometimes the area under a density curve has to be color shaded, for instance to illustrate a p-value or a specific region under the normal curve. This function draws a curve corresponding to a function over the interval [from, to]. It can plot also an expression in the variable xname, default x.


Shade(expr, col = par("fg"), breaks, density = 10, n = 101, xname = "x", ...)



the name of a function, or a call or an expression written as a function of x which will evaluate to an object of the same length as x.


color to fill or shade the shape with. The default is taken from par("fg").


numeric, a vector giving the breakpoints between the distinct areas to be shaded differently. Should be finite as there are no plots with infinite limits.


the density of the lines as needed in polygon.


integer; the number of x values at which to evaluate. Default is 101.


character string giving the name to be used for the x axis.


the dots are passed on to polygon.


Useful for shading the area under a curve as often needed for explaining significance tests.


A list with components x and y of the points that were drawn is returned invisibly.


Andri Signorell <>

See Also

polygon, curve


curve(dt(x, df=5), xlim=c(-6,6),
      main=paste("Student t-Distribution Probability Density Function, df = ", 5, ")", sep=""),
      type="n", las=1, ylab="probability", xlab="t")

Shade(dt(x, df=5), breaks=c(-6, qt(0.025, df=5), qt(0.975, df=5), 6),
      col=c(DescTools::hred, DescTools::hblue), density=c(20, 7))

AndriSignorell/DescTools documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 4:21 p.m.