Man pages for Andros-Spica/cerUB
Protocols for exploring archaeometric data

amphoraeWine Roman amphorae from Catalonia, NE Spain
apply_ordinationApply ordination procedures for multivariate statistical...
best_pcaCoDaFind the best 'pcaCoDa' (robCompositions)
clean_and_formatClean and format data for cerUB protocols
code_variablesCodify petrographic variable names
detect_outliersDetect outliers
detect_outliers_per_groupDetect outliers per group
dist.ktab_cerUBMixed-variables coefficient of distance (cerUB version)
extended_gowerExtended Gower with exceptions
get_codaGet indexes of compositional variables
get_petroGet indexes of petrographic variables
get_provenanceGet indexes of provenance-related variables
nmdsNon-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS)
order_petroOrder petrographic ordinal variables
pcoaPrincipal Coordinates Analysis
princomp_codaPrincipal Components Analysis for compositional data
replace_naReplaces NA values
simplify_coda_namesSimplify transformed Compositional data names in ordination...
test_groupsPerform Group separation and uniformity tests
transform_codaTransform compositional data
Andros-Spica/cerUB documentation built on June 9, 2020, 9:22 p.m.