GridXYAdjust: Adjust "grid XY"

Description Usage Arguments Value


The gridxy argument, can be used to define the extent of rasters output by several FUSION functions. However, when FUSION functions are run from the command line, the centre of the outmost cells will align with the coordinates supplied by gridxy. When GridXYAdjust is set to TRUE (which it is by default), an automatic adjustment will be made so that the OUTER EDGE of the cells aligns with the coordinates instead. This applies to all FUSION functions using the gridxy argument.


GridXYAdjust(value = NULL)



logical. If set to TRUE, all values used as inputs for the gridxy argument will be adjusted before being passed to the FUSION command line functions, in order for the output raster's edges to align with gridxy.


If no input is given, the current value of the rFUSION.grixyAdjust global option is returned

AndyPL22/rFUSION documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:10 a.m.