The following code generates and plots the rotation resistances for Curtis figure 2.

findResistancePointsRotation <- function( rotation_generations = 10,
                                          criticalPoints = c(0.1,0.25,0.5)

  #set the number of scenarios
  numScenarios <- length(listOutI1$results) 

  #create matrix to receive the results, name rows including gen_cP for generations to reach criticalPoints.
  resistGens <- matrix( nrow=length(criticalPoints), ncol=numScenarios, dimnames=list(paste0('gen_cP',criticalPoints) ) )

  #for each scenario
  for(scenarioNum in 1:numScenarios)
    #for each critical point
    for(criticalPointNum in seq_along(criticalPoints) )
      criticalPoint <- criticalPoints[criticalPointNum]
      #cat("criticalPoint ", criticalPoint,"\n")

      #getting results matrix out of the list for the separate insecticides
      resultsI1 <- listOutI1$results[[scenarioNum]]
      resultsI2 <- listOutI2$results[[scenarioNum]]

      #extracting the resistances for insecticides 1 and 2
      resistancesI1 <-    rowMeans(cbind(resultsI1[,'m.R1'],
                                         resultsI1[,'f.R1'] ))
      resistancesI2 <-    rowMeans(cbind(resultsI2[,'m.R2'],
                                         resultsI2[,'f.R2'] ))

      #Isolating generations where resistance hasn't been met for I1 and I2.
      gensI1 <- which( resistancesI1 < criticalPoint)
      gensI2 <- which( resistancesI2 < criticalPoint)

      #Connecting first detectable resistance generations.
      gensI1=c(gensI1, max(gensI1)+1)
      gensI2=c(gensI2, max(gensI2)+1)

      #Calculate total number of generations until resistance for rotation.
      overallgens = length(gensI1) + length(gensI2)

      #The following code calculates the final number of generations before resistance for each insecticide individually.



      if (roundsI1 > roundsI2){


        if (leftover==0){

          I2gen=(2*roundsI2)*rotation_generations + leftover

        if (leftover!=0){

          I2gen=(2*roundsI2 + 1)*rotation_generations + leftover



        I1gen=(2*(roundsI1)*rotation_generations + leftover)


      #Calculate total number of generations until resistance for rotation.
      if (locus == "both")
        if (I1gen>I2gen){
          resistGens[criticalPointNum,scenarioNum] <- I1gen

        if (I1gen<I2gen){
          resistGens[criticalPointNum,scenarioNum] <- I2gen


      #Report number of generations for insecticide 1 and insecticide 2.
      else if (locus ==1)
        resistGens[criticalPointNum,scenarioNum] <- I1gen


      else if (locus == 2)
        resistGens[criticalPointNum,scenarioNum] <- I2gen



  #replace any NAs with 999 to show that resistance not reached
  resistGens[] <- 999


#To mirror the inputs for Curtis Figure 2.

exp1 = NULL
exp2 = NULL
max_gen = 500
P_1 = 0.01
P_2 = 0.01
recomb_rate = 0.5
exposure = 0.9
phi.SS1_a0 = 0
phi.SS1_A0 = 0.73
phi.SS2_0b = 0
phi.SS2_0B = 1
W.SS1_00 = 1 
W.SS2_00 = 1
h.RS1_00 = 0
h.RS1_a0 = 0
h.RS1_A0 = 0.17
h.RS2_00 = 0
h.RS2_0b = 0
h.RS2_0B = 0.0016
s.RR1_a0 = 0 
s.RR1_A0 = NULL
s.RR2_0b = 0
s.RR2_0B = NULL
rr_restoration_ins1 = 0.23/0.73
rr_restoration_ins2 = 0.43/1
z.RR1_00 = 0
z.RR2_00 = 0
sexLinked = 0
male_exposure_prop = 1
correct_mix_deploy = 1

#Set exposure and inputs for insecticide 1
a <- setExposure(exposure = exposure, exp1 = exp1, exp2 = exp2, 
                 insecticideUsed = "insecticide1", male_exposure_prop = male_exposure_prop, 
                 correct_mix_deploy = correct_mix_deploy)

inputI1 <- setInputOneScenario(a = a, max_gen = max_gen, 
                               P_1 = P_1, P_2 = P_2, recomb_rate = recomb_rate, phi.SS1_a0 = phi.SS1_a0, 
                               phi.SS1_A0 = phi.SS1_A0, phi.SS2_0b = phi.SS2_0b, phi.SS2_0B = phi.SS2_0B, 
                               W.SS1_00 = W.SS1_00, W.SS2_00 = W.SS2_00, h.RS1_00 = h.RS1_00, 
                               h.RS1_a0 = h.RS1_a0, h.RS1_A0 = h.RS1_A0, h.RS2_00 = h.RS2_00, 
                               h.RS2_0b = h.RS2_0b, h.RS2_0B = h.RS2_0B, s.RR1_a0 = s.RR1_a0, 
                               s.RR1_A0 = s.RR1_A0, s.RR2_0b = s.RR2_0b, s.RR2_0B = s.RR2_0B, 
                               rr_restoration_ins1 = rr_restoration_ins1, rr_restoration_ins2 = rr_restoration_ins2, 
                               z.RR1_00 = z.RR1_00, z.RR2_00 = z.RR2_00, sexLinked = sexLinked, 
                               male_exposure_prop = male_exposure_prop, correct_mix_deploy = correct_mix_deploy)

#Set exposure and inputs for insecticide 1

a <- setExposure(exposure = exposure, exp1 = exp1, exp2 = exp2, 
                 insecticideUsed = "insecticide2", male_exposure_prop = male_exposure_prop, 
                 correct_mix_deploy = correct_mix_deploy)

inputI2 <- setInputOneScenario(a = a, max_gen = max_gen, 
                               P_1 = P_1, P_2 = P_2, recomb_rate = recomb_rate, phi.SS1_a0 = phi.SS1_a0, 
                               phi.SS1_A0 = phi.SS1_A0, phi.SS2_0b = phi.SS2_0b, phi.SS2_0B = phi.SS2_0B, 
                               W.SS1_00 = W.SS1_00, W.SS2_00 = W.SS2_00, h.RS1_00 = h.RS1_00, 
                               h.RS1_a0 = h.RS1_a0, h.RS1_A0 = h.RS1_A0, h.RS2_00 = h.RS2_00, 
                               h.RS2_0b = h.RS2_0b, h.RS2_0B = h.RS2_0B, s.RR1_a0 = s.RR1_a0, 
                               s.RR1_A0 = s.RR1_A0, s.RR2_0b = s.RR2_0b, s.RR2_0B = s.RR2_0B, 
                               rr_restoration_ins1 = rr_restoration_ins1, rr_restoration_ins2 = rr_restoration_ins2, 
                               z.RR1_00 = z.RR1_00, z.RR2_00 = z.RR2_00, sexLinked = sexLinked, 
                               male_exposure_prop = male_exposure_prop, correct_mix_deploy = correct_mix_deploy)
input <- cbind(inputI1, inputI2)

#Run the code for sequential inputs as the population dynamics are required to calculate the rotation resistance levels.
listOut <- runModel2(input = input, produce.plots = FALSE)

#Set the critical point 0.5.

#Come back to these for test runs
#listOutCurtI1 <- sensiAnPaperPart( nScenarios, insecticideUsed = 'insecticide1', experiment='curtis')
#listOutCurtI2 <- sensiAnPaperPart( nScenarios, insecticideUsed = 'insecticide2', experiment='curtis')

#listOutCurtI1 <- sensiAnPaperPart( nScenarios, insecticideUsed = 'insecticide1', experiment='curtis')
#listOutCurtI2 <- sensiAnPaperPart( nScenarios, insecticideUsed = 'insecticide2', experiment='curtis')
#resultsI1 <- listOutCurtI1$results[[1]]
#resultsI2 <- listOutCurtI2$results[[1]]

#Extract the results for insecticides 1 and 2.
resultsI1 <- listOut$results[[1]]
resultsI2 <- listOut$results[[2]]

#extracting the resistances for insecticides 1 and 2
resistancesI1 <-    rowMeans(cbind(resultsI1[,'m.R1'],
                                   resultsI1[,'f.R1'] ))
resistancesI2 <-    rowMeans(cbind(resultsI2[,'m.R2'],
                                   resultsI2[,'f.R2'] ))

#Isolating generations where resistance hasn't been met for I1 and I2.
gensI1 <- which( resistancesI1 < criticalPoint)
gensI2 <- which( resistancesI2 < criticalPoint)




#Come back to the following to generate a function



#for(i in 1:m){

#for (k in 1:rotation_generations)





gens=seq(1,65, by=1)







The following code makes a plot of the Curtis resistances along with rotations.

#Use the run Curtis function to generate the plots for mixtures and sequential strategies.


#The following code crudely generates the resistance levels for rotations required for the ASTMH presentation dependent on the resistance_generations. IMPROVE THIS.

#For 5 generation rotations
lines( gens, log10(i1fiverot*100), col=adjustcolor("red"), lty=4,lwd=3 )
lines( gens, log10(i2fiverot*100), col=adjustcolor("blue"), lty=4,lwd=3 )

#For 10 generation rotations
lines( gens, log10(i1tenrot*100), col=adjustcolor("red"), lty=4, lwd=3 )
lines( gens, log10(i2tenrot*100), col=adjustcolor("blue"), lty=4, lwd=3 )

#For 20 generation rotations
lines( gens, log10(i1twentyrot*100), col=adjustcolor("red"), lty=4, lwd=3 )
lines( gens, log10(i2twentyrot*100), col=adjustcolor("blue"), lty=4, lwd=3 )

AndySouth/resistance documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 3:39 a.m.