Instructions for creating a fork of the resistance repository, being able to add your own updates, and to receive updates from me.

1) click fork will create :

2) click clone to get the URL to use in git clone

from new local folder

git clone

3) set up syncing cd resistance git remote add upstream

to view remote repos

git remote -v

4) SYNC FORK from upstream, to get updates from me git fetch upstream git checkout master git merge upstream/master

5) COMMIT & PUSH local changes to the fork, to put your own updates on github (this step can be done from RStudio UI) git commit -a -m "message" git push

6) To submit changes to Andys repo From Github, create Pull request

7) from R to install the most recent version of the package direct from Github install_github('AndySouth/resistance') library(resistance)

AndySouth/resistance documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 3:39 a.m.