testing getting figures side-by-side


why are the figs being pushed down the page ....

#fig.cap seems necessary to keep figs side by side

#plot margins
oldpar <- par(mar=c(4, 4, 2, 0)) #b,l,t,r default c(5, 4, 4, 2)

runcurtis_f2( max_gen=500,  P_1 = 0.01 , P_2 = 0.01 , h.RS1_A0 = 0.5 , h.RS2_0B = 0.5 , exposure = 0.5 , phi.SS1_A0 = 0.5 , phi.SS2_0B = 0.5 , rr_restoration_ins1 = 0.5 , rr_restoration_ins2 = 0.5 , addCombinedStrategy = FALSE, strategyLabels = c('seq','','adapt','mix2'), addLegend=FALSE, main='A.' )

#plot margins
par(mar=c(4, 0, 2, 0)) #b,l,t,r default c(5, 4, 4, 2)

runcurtis_f2( max_gen=500,  P_1 = 0.01 , P_2 = 0.01 , h.RS1_A0 = 0.5 , h.RS2_0B = 0.5 , exposure = 0.5 , phi.SS1_A0 = 0.9 , phi.SS2_0B = 0.5 , rr_restoration_ins1 = 0.5 , rr_restoration_ins2 = 0.5 , addCombinedStrategy = FALSE, strategyLabels = c('seq','','adapt','mix2'), ylab="", main='B.' )


AndySouth/resistance documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 3:39 a.m.