Man pages for AndySouth/rnaturalearth
World Map Data from Natural Earth

check_data_existcheck whether the requested data exist on Natural Earth
check_rnaturalearthdataCheck whether to install rnaturalearthdata and install if...
check_rnaturalearthhiresCheck whether to install rnaturalearthhires and install if...
check_scalecheck that this scale is present in Natural Earth
convert_spatial_classConvert from/to sf/sv objects
countriesworld country polygons from Natural Earth
df_layers_culturallist of cultural layers available from Natural Earth
df_layers_physicallist of physical layers available from Natural Earth
get_dataGet data from within the package
install_rnaturalearthdataInstall the naturalearthdata package after checking with the...
install_rnaturalearthhiresInstall the naturalearthhires package after checking with the...
ne_coastlineGet natural earth world coastline
ne_countriesGet natural earth world country polygons
ne_downloadDownload data from Natural Earth and (optionally) read into R
ne_file_namereturn a natural earth filename based on arguments
ne_find_vector_dataReturn a dataframe of available vector layers on Natural...
ne_git_contentsReturn contents of Natural Earth Github directory
ne_git_layer_namesCreate list of layer names and metadata links
ne_loadload a Natural Earth vector that has already been downloaded...
ne_statesGet natural earth world state (admin level 1) polygons
rnaturalearth-packagernaturalearth: World Map Data from Natural Earth
AndySouth/rnaturalearth documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 8:47 p.m.