
Defines functions rworldmapExamples

Documented in rworldmapExamples

#' Example code for plot creation
#' Example code to demonstrate creation of a series of plots
#' @author andy south
#' @keywords aplot
#' @export rworldmapExamples
rworldmapExamples <- function()
    #displays examples - i should probably put somewhere else
    #get the data
    #should check operating system for windows()
    #or just remove
    #this prompts user for keypress between plots 
    par(ask = TRUE)

    #joining the example data to a map
    sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(countryExData
              , joinCode = "ISO3"
              , nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10"
    mapCountryData( sPDF
                  , nameColumnToPlot="EPI" 

    #joining the example data to a map
    sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(countryExData
              , joinCode = "ISO3"
              , nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10"
    mapCountryData( sPDF
                  , nameColumnToPlot="ENVHEALTH"
                  , catMethod="quantiles"
                  , numCats = 10 
    #mtext('mapCountryData( nameColumnToPlot="ENVHEALTH", joinCode = "ISO3"
    #, nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10", catMethod="quantiles", numCats = 10)',line=-1)                  
    sPDF <- joinCountryData2Map(countryExData
          , joinCode = "ISO3"
          , nameJoinColumn = "ISO3V10"
    mapCountryData( sPDF
                  , nameColumnToPlot="BIODIVERSITY"
    #aggregating gridded data to country level
    #with no file specified it uses internal example data
    mapHalfDegreeGridToCountries( )              
    mtext('mapHalfDegreeGridToCountries( )',outer=TRUE,line=-1)
    #different agggregate option
    mapHalfDegreeGridToCountries( aggregateOption="mean" )
    mtext('mapHalfDegreeGridToCountries( aggregateOption="mean" )',outer=TRUE,line=-1)
    #no parameters : default dataset
    #adding histogram
    #switching off prompting user for keypress between plots 
    par(ask = FALSE)     
    } #end of rWorldMapExamples
AndySouth/rworldmap documentation built on Sept. 3, 2023, 3:46 a.m.