Man pages for AngelBerihuete/rtip
Inequality, Welfare and Poverty Indices and Curves using the EU-SILC Data

arprAt-risk-of-poverty rate
arptAt-risk-of-poverty threshold
eusilc2Modified synthetic EU-SILC survey data
giniGini index
lcLorenz and Generalized Lorenz curves
LCS2014Spanish living conditions survey data for the year 2014
loadEUSILCLoad the living conditions survey (EUSILC)
loadLCSLoad the living conditions survey (INE)
mihMean income per household
mipMean income per person
miucMean income per unit of consumption
OmegaGLMatrix for testing Generalized Lorenz dominance
OmegaTIPMatrix for testing TIP dominance
qsrIncome quintile share ratio
rmpgRelative median at-risk-of-poverty gap
s1Maximum of TIP curve
s2Twice the area under the TIP curve
setupDatasetSetup datasets loaded from the living conditions survey
testGLTest for Lorenz and Generalized Lorenz dominance
testTIPTest for TIP dominance
tipTIP curve
AngelBerihuete/rtip documentation built on June 26, 2019, 2:02 p.m.