
#' Data of wave
#' Data including environnemental measurements around Bordeaux from CANDHIS database and data from InfoClimat website.
#' CANDHIS national in situ wave measurement database.
#' The measurements were carried out within the framework of a collaboration between the Grand Port Maritime de Nantes St-Nazaire, the École Centrale de Nantes and CEREMA. In addition, data from the InfoClimat site over the same period are used.
#' @usage data(wave)
#' @format A data.frame with 453 observations (rows) and 25 variables with explicite names. The first variables are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{date}{date of measure}
#'   \item{temperature}{temperature}
#'   \item{pression}{pressure}
#'   \item{humidite_relative}{Humidity}
#'   \item{point2rose}{Dew point temperature}
#'   \item{visibilite_horiz}{visibility}
#'   \item{vent_cite_moy}{wind speed average}
#'   \item{vent_vit_rafale}{maximum of wind speed}
#'   \item{precipitation_cum}{cumulative rainfall by day}
#' }
#' @references InfoClimat (https://www.infoclimat.fr/climatologie/stations_principales.php?)
#' @examples
#' data(wave)
AntoineBbi/BQt documentation built on June 25, 2022, 3:32 p.m.