Man pages for AntonelliLab/outsider.devtools
Build 'outsider' Modules

celebrateSay nice things
comfortSay consoling things
description_getReturn DESCRIPTION
docker_buildBuild a Docker image
docker_cmdSend commands to Docker
docker_loginLogin to Docker
docker_pushPush a Docker image to Docker Hub
examples_getDetermine examples
examples_testRun each example of an outsider module
file_createCreate file
git_uploadUpload module to code-sharing service
module_buildBuild a module
module_checkCheck names and structure of a module
module_identitiesReturn identities for a module
module_skeletonGenerate a skeleton for a module
module_testTest an outsider module
module_travisGenerate Travis-CI file (GitHub only)
module_uploadUpload a module to code sharing site and DockerHub
outsider.devtoolsoutsider.devtools: Build 'outsider' Modules
pkgdetails_getRead the details of module's R package
pkgnm_getDetermine R package name
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remote_git_existsDoes a remote git repo exist
string_replaceReplace patterns in a string
tags_getDetermine tags
templates_getRetrieve template files
testTest a module
yaml_getReturn om.yml
AntonelliLab/outsider.devtools documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:36 a.m.