This tutorial is based on a deprecated API (shiny.router<=0.2.3). New version can be found here.


In this tutorial we will walk you through the basics of routing with the shiny.router library.

In a web application, routing is the process of using URLs to drive the user interface. Routing adds more possibilities and flexibility while building a complex and advanced web application, offering dividing app into separated sections.

Let's build together a simple app that has two subpages and captures the data from url parameters.

We start by importing the packages.


Next, we create the content of our subpages: "home" and "another".

home_page <- div(
  titlePanel("Home page"),
  p("This is the home page!"),

another_page <- div(
  titlePanel("Another page"),
  p("This is the another page!"),

Now we can create routing. We provide routing paths, a UI of the page and (optionally) server-side callback for each page (here: NA).

router <- make_router(
  route("/", home_page, NA),
  route("another", another_page, NA)

Optionally, we can create a menu to easier navigate on our webapp:

menu <- tags$ul(
    tags$li(a(class = "item", href = route_link("/"), "Main")),
    tags$li(a(class = "item", href = route_link("another"), "Another page")),

Now, we create an output for our router in main UI of Shiny app. We also add sliderInput to test its functionality.

ui <- fluidPage(
  shiny::sliderInput("int", "Choose integer:", -10, 10, 1, 1),

Then, we plug router into Shiny server (note: router$server at the beginning).

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  router$server(input, output, session)

In theory that would be it, but additionally we can also introduce the mechanism of catching the parameters from the URL. We will use get_query_param function. Our modified Server code may look like this:

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  router$server(input, output, session)

  component <- reactive({
    if (is.null(get_query_param()$add)) {

  output$power_of_input <- renderUI({
      "I display input increased by <code>add</code> GET parameter from app url and pass result to <code>output$power_of_input</code>: ",
      as.numeric(input$int) + component()))

It's time to run it.

shinyApp(ui, server)

Here you can see the final result:


Feel free to copy the code of this example and test it on your own!

Appsilon/shiny.router documentation built on April 21, 2024, 5:48 p.m.