
Defines functions Saldae_amadal_mod Saldae_amadal_UI

Documented in Saldae_amadal_mod Saldae_amadal_UI

#' Saldae Map based  Graph
#' @author Farid Azouaou
#' @param tisefka  data containing target region infrmation
#' @return leaflet map object

# Saldae_leaflet_amedya <- function(tisefka = NULL){
#   tisefka <- tisefka %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(mag.level = cut(mag,c(3,4,5,6),
#                                   labels = c('>3 & <=4', '>4 & <=5', '>5 & <=6')))
#   tisefka.df <- split(tisefka, tisefka$mag.level)
#   l <- leaflet::leaflet() %>% leaflet::addTiles()
#   names(tisefka.df) %>%
#     purrr::walk( function(df) {
#       l <<- l %>%
#         leaflet::addMarkers(data=tisefka.df[[df]],
#                             lng=~long, lat=~lat,
#                             label=~as.character(mag),
#                             popup=~as.character(mag),
#                             group = df,
#                             clusterOptions = leaflet::markerClusterOptions(removeOutsideVisibleBounds = F),
#                             labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = F,
#                                                                  direction = 'auto'))
#     })
#   l %>%
#     leaflet::addLayersControl(
#       overlayGroups = names(tisefka.df),
#       options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
#     )
# return(l)
# }

#' Saldae Dashboard Module UI (Map)
#' @description Saldae Dashboard module UI : Map  View
#' @author Farid Azouaou
#' @param id  server module ID
#' @param mod_title module title (default NULL)
#' @return UI module
#' @export

Saldae_amadal_UI <- function(id = NULL,mod_title = NULL){
  ns <- NS(id)

#' Saldae Dashboard Module Server Map
#' @description Saldae Dashboard module SERVER : render and generate leaflet map based data
#' @author Farid Azouaou
#' @param input  input shinydashboard elements containing information to use for output generation
#' @param output output shinydashboard element
#' @param session shiny session
#' @param tisefka reactive object containing data
#' @param div_width dimension information about the framework(html object)
#' @return output objects to be displayed in corresponding UI module
#' @export
Saldae_amadal_mod <- function(input, output, session,tisefka,div_width = "col-xs-6 col-sm-12 col-md-6"){

  tisefka_tizegzawin <- reactive({
    # tisefka()$tisefka_tizegzawin

  output$amadal_box <- renderUI({
    bs4Dash::box(title = "Earth Quake Infrmation:",
                                width = 12,
                                collapsible = TRUE,


  output$amadal <- leaflet::renderLeaflet({
    taftilt_plot_f <- Saldae_leaflet_amedya(tisefka = tisefka_tizegzawin())
Aqvayli06/SaldaeModulesUI documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 6:25 a.m.