basename2 | Manipulate File Paths |
check.path | Check 'this.path()' is Functioning Correctly |
Enhances | Functions That Enhance the Use of Other Packages |
ext | File Extensions |
FILE | Macros in Package '@R_PACKAGE_NAME@' |
getinitwd | Get Initial Working Directory |
here | Construct Path to File, Starting With Script's Directory |
is.main | Top-Level Code Environment |
LINENO | Line Number of Executing Expression |
make_fix_funs | Constructs Path Functions Similar to 'this.path()' |
OS.type | Detect the Operating System Type |
path.join | Construct Path to File |
path.split | Split File Path Into Individual Components |
print.ThisPathDocumentContext | Printing "ThisPathDocumentContext" Objects |
progArgs | Providing Arguments to a Script |
relpath | Make a Path Relative to Another | | Using R From a Shell |
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@-defunct | Defunct Functions in Package '@R_PACKAGE_NAME@' |
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@-package | Get Script's Path |
set.gui.path | Declare GUI's Active Document |
set.jupyter.path | Declare Executing 'Jupyter' Notebook's Filename |
set.sys.path | Implement 'this.path()' For Arbitrary 'source()'-Like... |
shFILE | Get 'FILE' Provided to R by a Shell |
source.exprs | Evaluate and Print Expressions |
startup_files | Files Related to Initialization of the R Session |
sys | Call Stack Inspection |
sys.path | Variants of Core Functions in Package '@R_PACKAGE_NAME@' |
Sys.putenv | Set Environment Variables |
this.path | Determine Script's Filename |
tryCatch2 | Condition Handling and Recovery |
try.this.path | Attempt to Determine Script's Filename |
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