progArgs | R Documentation |
allows you to \sourcelink an R script while providing
arguments. As opposed to running with \Rscriptlink, the code will be
evaluated in the same session in an environment of your choosing.
is a generalized version of
\codelink3basecommandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE), allowing you to access
the program's arguments whether it was \sourcenolink-ed or run from a shell.
coerces R objects into a character vector, for use with
command line applications and withArgs()
progArgs(ifnotfound = character())
... |
R objects to turn into script arguments; typically \codelink2baselogical, \codelink2basenumeric, \codelink2basecharacter, \codelink2base:DatesDate, and \codelink2base:DateTimeClassesPOSIXt vectors. for |
ifnotfound |
any R object, e.g., |
will return the arguments associated with the executing
script, or commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
when there is no executing
coerces objects into command-line arguments. ...
first put into a list, and then each non-list element is converted to
character. They are converted as follows:
using \codelink3base:characteras.character.factor()
using format
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS6"
(retains as much precision as possible)
with 17 significant digits (retains as much precision as possible) and \string. as the decimal point character.
sprintf("0x%02x", )
(for easy conversion back to raw with \codelink3base:rawas.raw() or
\codelink3base:vectoras.vector(, "raw"))
All others will be converted to character using \codelink3base:characteras.character() and its methods.
The arguments will then be unlisted, and all attributes will be removed.
Arguments that are NA_character_
after conversion will be converted to
\stringNA (since the command-line arguments also never have missing
for asArgs()
and progArgs()
, a character vector.
for withArgs()
, the result of evaluating the first argument.
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@::asArgs(NULL, c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 1:5, pi, exp(6i),
letters[1:5], as.raw(0:4), Sys.Date(), Sys.time(),
list(list(list("lists are recursed"))))
FILE.R <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
}, spaced = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, width.cutoff = 60L)
}, FILE.R)
## wrap your source call with a call to withArgs()
source(FILE.R, local = TRUE, verbose = FALSE),
letters[6:10], pi, exp(1)
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@:::.Rscript(c("--default-packages=NULL", "--vanilla", FILE.R,
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@::asArgs(letters[16:20], pi, Sys.time())))
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@:::.Rscript(c("--default-packages=NULL", "--vanilla",
rbind("-e", readLines(FILE.R)[-2L]),
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@::asArgs(letters[16:20], pi, Sys.time())))
# ## with R >= 4.1.0, use the forward pipe operator '|>' to
# ## make calls to withArgs() more intuitive:
# source(FILE.R, local = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) |> @R_PACKAGE_NAME@::withArgs(
# letters[6:10], pi, exp(1))
## withArgs() also works with set.sys.path()
sourcelike <- function (file, envir = parent.frame())
file <- set.sys.path(file)
envir <- as.environment(envir)
exprs <- parse(n = -1, file = file)
for (i in seq_along(exprs)) eval(exprs[i], envir)
@R_PACKAGE_NAME@::withArgs(sourcelike(FILE.R), letters[21:26])
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