Man pages for ArgoCanada/argodata
Locate, Download, and Read Argo Ocean Float Data

argo_cache_dirGet and set the default cache directory
argodata-packageargodata: Locate, Download, and Read Argo Ocean Float Data
argo_downloadDownload Argo data files
argo_filterSelect rows of Argo tables
argo_global_metaLoad Argo global index files
argo_infoLoad NetCDF general information
argo_mapConfigure iteration over NetCDF files
argo_metaLoad Argo float meta
argo_mirrorArgo Data default mirror
argo_path_infoExtract information from an Argo path
argo_pivot_longerTransform Argo data to variable-long format
argo_profLoad Argo profiles
argo_qc_censor_if_notApply QC flags to Argo data
argo_read_global_metaRead global index files
argo_read_infoRead NetCDF general information
argo_read_metaRead Argo float meta
argo_read_profRead Argo profiles
argo_read_trajRead Argo trajectories
argo_read_varsRead NetCDF variable metadata
argo_reference_data_typeArgo data type reference
argo_reference_history_actionArgo history action reference
argo_reference_history_qctestArgo QC test reference
argo_reference_history_stepArgo history step reference
argo_reference_institutionArgo institution code reference
argo_reference_location_classArgo location class reference
argo_reference_positioning_systemArgo positioning system reference
argo_reference_profilerArgo profiler reference
argo_reference_qc_flagArgo QC flag reference
argo_techLoad Argo float meta
argo_trajLoad Argo trajectories
argo_unnest_history_qctestUnnest Argo QC tests
argo_urlConstruct Argo paths and URLs
argo_use_adjustedPrefer adjusted values
argo_varsLoad Argo NetCDF variable metadata
ArgoCanada/argodata documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 10:13 a.m.