
#' Stock prices for the "SHANK" stocks.
#' A dataset containing the daily historical stock prices for the "SHANK" big korea stocks,
#' "SAMSUNG", "HYUNDAI", "AMOREPACIFIC", "NAVER" and "KAKAO", spanning from 2012-02-08 through 2017-09-07.
#' @format A "tibble" ("tidy" data frame) with 7,580 rows and 8 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{symbol}{stock ticker symbol}
#'   \item{date}{trade date}
#'   \item{open}{stock price at the open of trading, in won}
#'   \item{high}{stock price at the highest point during trading, in won}
#'   \item{low}{stock price at the lowest point during trading, in won}
#'   \item{close}{stock price at the close of trading, in won}
#'   \item{volume}{number of shares traded}
#'   \item{adjusted}{stock price at the close of trading adjusted for stock splits, in won}
#' }
Ari1225/tqk documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:22 a.m.