Man pages for ArnaudDroitLab/TranscriptomHiCs
Genomics and HiC integration

add_annotationAdd an annotation to a GenomHiCs object.
annotate_countAdds an annotation count column to a GRanges object.
annotate_distant_bindingRetrieves all binding types for the given annotation and...
annotationsAdd an annotation to a GenomHiCs object.
build_site_listGo from promoter/enhancer indices to a GRangesList of sites.
contactsAdd an annotation to a GenomHiCs object.
distant_bindingRetrieves all binding types for the given annotation.
GenomHiCsBuild a GenomHiCs object.
GenomHiCs-classGenomHiCs class.
get_all_sitesGet a list of all sites connected to the query_regions.
get_direct_sitesGet a list of site directly binding the query_regions.
get_distant_sitesGet a list of site distantly-bound to the query_regions.
get_window_sitesGet a list of site binding within the windows of the...
is_contact_boundDetermine if query_regions are contact-bound by the given...
is_structure_boundDetermine if query_regions are structure-bound by the given...
is_window_boundDetermine if query_regions are window-bound by the given...
query_regionsAdd an annotation to a GenomHiCs object.
structuresAdd an annotation to a GenomHiCs object.
ArnaudDroitLab/TranscriptomHiCs documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 4:59 a.m.