AsexStats : an R package for computing stats of asexual genome evolution. Developed specifically for AsexGenomeEvol project

The project is hosted at :

Content of the package

I will categorize functions by type (project specific will be somehow marked as well)

loading functions

plotting functions


data & variables


or using devtools package, run R and type

install_github("AsexGenomeEvol/AsexStats", build_vignettes=FALSE)

local installation

Users on clusters classically do not have a root access and therefore they won't be able to install R packages to the common folders of all the users. To access an R package without root access you need to install the package on some alternative place (like your home) and tell R that there will be an alternative place to look for packages.

The very beginning is the same, download this package, then create a place for your local R packages (/home/$USER/R in this example).

cd ~
git clone
mkdir -p /home/$USER/R
CMD INSTALL AsexStats -l /home/$USER/R

Now the package was installed to your home (~/R). To tell R about the alternative path you set an environmental variable by adding the line export R_LIBS=/home/$USER/R into your .bashrc file (the setting file of your bash)

echo "export R_LIBS=/home/$USER/R" >> ~/.bashrc


Adding new data

AsexGenomeEvol/AsexStats documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 4:42 a.m.