#Boilerplate stuff
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)


This tutorial covers basics of differential expression analysis with RNA-Seq data. It is adapted from the wonderful tutorial paper by Law et al. RNA-seq analysis is easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR

The dataset used is from Sheridan et al. and consists of 3 mouse mammary gland cell populations (basal, luminal progenitor: LP, and mature luminal: ML), each RNA-Seq profiled in triplicate across three batches (different sequencing lanes).

Our goal here will be to identify genes that are differentially expressed in the basal cells compared to the other two cell types. NOTE: we will use a simplified version of this analysis pipeline for practice purposes. Using the 'real deal' isn't too much more difficult. See [OTHER TUTORIAL] for more details

Additional key refs:



We will be using the package edgeR. To install this, you need to use a slightly different approach than install.packages. Run the following code to install.

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Create Project

Create a folder for this project, with a 'data' folder to store the data files you'll use.

Create an Rstudio Project


There are three data files we'll need

Download the files and put them in your project data folder


You'll want to 'fill in the blanks' in each code chunk, and run them in sequence. Remember that you can run all the code in a given chunk by clicking on the green arrow in the top right of the code chunk.

Load packages

Run this code chunk to load all the packages we'll be using.

library(edgeR) #also loads limma
library(useful) #helper function corner
library(data.table) #for fread

Load data

Use the fread function to load rnaseq_counts.csv, and the read_csv function to load rnaseq_sample_info.csv and gene_info.csv.

Remember that if you create an Rstudio 'Project' you can use the here function to specify the file locations like: here('data', 'my_file.csv')

counts_mat <- fread(here('data', 'rnaseq_counts.csv'))

sample_info <- read_csv(here('data', 'rnaseq_sample_info.csv'))

gene_info <- read_csv(here('data', 'gene_info.csv'))

Inspect these datasets. Notice that the counts_mat data is loaded as a 'data.table', and the gene IDs are being read as numeric values. Also, R has given this gene ID column a weird name because it was blank in the input file.


We want to fix counts_mat into a matrix of read counts, with the gene IDs as rownames.

counts_mat <- as_tibble(counts_mat)
counts_mat <- column_to_rownames(counts_mat, var = 'V1')
counts_mat <- as.matrix(counts_mat)

Let's make sure the data in these 3 variables are properly aligned. The sample names in counts_mat should be identical to the sample names in the sample_info table, and should appear in the same order. Use the all.equal function to ensure test that this is true.

#make sure that the samples are ordered in the counts mat (by column) in the same order they appear in the rows of the sample info matrix.
all.equal(colnames(counts_mat), sample_info$sample)

Same for the gene info. The rownames of the counts matrix should be identical to the entrez gene ids in the gene info table. Test this with the all.equal function and note that something isn't quite right. which you can fix. Hint: the as.character function will be helpful.

#same for the gene info
all.equal(rownames(counts_mat), gene_info$entrezgene_id)

gene_info$entrezgene_id <- as.character(gene_info$entrezgene_id)

all.equal(rownames(counts_mat), gene_info$entrezgene_id)

Remove lowly expressed genes

For genes with very few reads in most/all samples we won't be able to detect any significant differences, and we'll just be hurting our statistical power by performing unnecessary tests, so it's best to exclude them.

First find out how many genes have 0 reads across all samples.

Use the rowSums function to create a vector that contains the total reads across samples for each gene. Then calculate how many values (genes) are 0.

HINT: remember that R treats logical TRUE as 1 and FALSE as 0 for the purposes of math operations..

tot_reads_per_gene <- rowSums(counts_mat)
sum(tot_reads_per_gene == 0) 

Let's make a function called get_usable_genes that identifies the genes in a read count matrix that are sufficiently expressed to include in the analysis. The function should take as input the counts matrix and return a vector of boolean values which indicates whether each gene in the dataset shows sufficient expression.

This function will also have two additional parameters: - min_cpm: which is the minimum counts-per-million (cpm) expression level for a gene to be considered expressed in a given sample. A typical threshold for min_cpm is 1. - min_expressed_samples which is the minimum number of samples a gene must be 'expressed' in to be included in analysis.

Make your function take these two input parameters min_cpm and min_expressed_samples as inputs, and include default values of 1 and 3 respectively.

get_usable_genes <- function(counts_mat, min_cpm = 1, min_expressed_samples = 3) {
  cpm <- cpm(counts_mat) #normalize by total counts (to give units of 'counts-per-million')
  usable_genes <- rowSums(cpm>min_cpm)>=min_expressed_samples #these are genes to include

Use your function to calculate how many genes are expressed (with the default values)?

usable_genes <- get_usable_genes(counts_mat)

How much would the number of expressed genes change if we increased the min_expressed_samples parameter to 6?

sum(get_usable_genes(counts_mat, min_cpm = 1, min_expressed_samples = 6))

Use your function to find which genes are expressed above min_cpm in at least 3 but fewer than 6 samples

expressed_in_3 <- get_usable_genes(counts_mat, min_expressed_samples = 3)
expressed_in_6 <- get_usable_genes(counts_mat, min_expressed_samples = 6)
g3_l6_genes <- rownames(counts_mat)[expressed_in_3 & !expressed_in_6]

Now let's use the default values to determine the list of genes we'll include in analysis. Use this boolean vector returned from your function to create filtered versions of the counts_mat and gene_info table called used_counts_mat and used_gene_info respectively.

usable_genes <- get_usable_genes(counts_mat)
used_counts_mat <- counts_mat[usable_genes,] 
used_gene_info <- gene_info[usable_genes,]

Perform differential expression analysis

Now we want to test which genes are differentially expressed in basal samples compared to other cell types.

First, let's make a new column in the sample info table called is_basal which is true if the sample is group Basal, and FALSE otherwise

sample_info$is_basal <- sample_info$group == 'Basal'

Package the data

Now let's group all our data into a single compact data object. The DGEList is a useful tool (from the edgeR package) for storing RNA-seq datasets. It will take the counts matrix, sample info, and gene info tables as inputs and package them up in a single object. Make an object called dge that stores all our data, using the DGEList function. Remember to provide the used_counts_mat and used_gene_info as inputs.

dge <- DGEList(counts = used_counts_mat, samples = sample_info, genes = used_gene_info)

print(dim(dge)) # We see that the data has ~14k rows and 9 columns


Make the model

(Treating as boilerplate. You'll learn more about this later)

The efit object will contain the info needed to explore our differential expression results.

dge <- calcNormFactors(dge, method = "TMM") #compute size normalization factors
mod_matrix <- model.matrix(~is_basal, dge$samples) #define the comparisons we want to make. 
colnames(mod_matrix)[2] <- 'is_basal'
v <- voom(dge, mod_matrix) #this operates on the normalized counts data
vfit <- lmFit(v, mod_matrix) #fits the model
efit <- eBayes(vfit) #This step allows the model to 'pool' information across genes and gain statistical power

Summary of results

Now we can start looking at the results of the model. This shows the overall numbers of significantly up- and down-regulated genes for each comparison. By default it uses FDR adjusted p-value of 0.05 as the threshold.

Note that the 'intercept' column represents the average expression among non-basal (reference) samples. So, the p-values are not meaningful (they're testing whether the average expression is different from 0)


Top differentially expressed genes

The topTable function generates a table of top differentially expressed genes in basal vs non-basal samples. Inspect the table

basal_de <- topTable(efit, coef = 'is_basal', n=Inf, genelist = dge$genes) 

How many genes have logFC magnitude greater than 1 and adjusted p-value less than 0.01? (HINT: you should get 3964 genes)

basal_de_genes <- abs(basal_de$logFC) > 1 & basal_de$adj.P.Val < 0.01

Make a new column in the basal_de results table called neg_log_p which gives the negative log10 p-value.

basal_de$neg_log10_p <- -log10(basal_de$P.Value)

Now make a simple 'volcano' plot of the logFC vs neg-log-p value across genes using the plot function

plot(basal_de$logFC, basal_de$neg_log10_p)

Create a vector with the names of the top 10 overexpressed genes (highest magnitude logFC value) in basal compared to other cell types. HINT: the order function is useful for this.

rank_order <- order(abs(basal_de$logFC), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10]
top_oe_genes <- basal_de[rank_order,'mgi_symbol']

Saving results

Save your table of differential expression results to a 'comma-separated' (csv) file called 'basal_DE_practice_res.csv' in the 'results' folder in your project.

write_csv(basal_de, 'results/basal_DE_practice_res.csv')

AshirBorah/cp_bootcamp_r_tutorials documentation built on May 16, 2024, 3:24 p.m.