Man pages for Atan1988/rothello

AddChildadd child node
Arenaarena class
assign_pipeassignment Pipe operator
CanonicalForm.othelloget canonical form of the othello class
check_legal_movecheck for legal moves
chk_0_sp1check whether the space is 0 and eligible
chk_eight_dscheck 8 directions around
chk_one_directioncheck directions
chk_valid_move_1dcheck valid move one direction
coachcoach class
dectoterbase10 to base 3
generate_othello_basegenerate the default board
generate_othello_base_Mgenerate the default board matrix
getActionSize.othelloothello get action size
getBoardSize.othelloothello get board size
getGameEnded.othelloothello check whether game has ended
get_game_stateget game state
getInitBoard.othelloothello get initial board
getNextState.othelloothello make moves using matrix
get_othello_mvothello get moves using matrix
get_pieces_to_filpget piecies to flip
get_resultsget result of game
getSymmetries.othelloget Symmetries of the othello class
getValidMove.othelloothello get moves using matrix
helloHello, World!
ini_othelloothello state class
init_nodenode class definition
init_node1node class definition
make_legal_movemake legal moves
mk_a_movemake legal move
mk_movemake a move to change state
MTCSzeroMTCSzero class
nnetclassnnet class
nnetwrappernnet wrapper
node_updateupdate node value
pipePipe operator
play_randomlyplay randomly
play_randomly1play randomly function1
search_neighborsearch moves using matrix
stringRepresentation.othelloothello string representation
tertodecbase3 to base 10
to_boardbase10 Id to Board
UCTUCT function
UCT1UCT function
UCT_playgameUCT play game function
UCT_playgame1UCT play game function
UCTSelectChildselect child note
UCTSelectChild1select child note
Atan1988/rothello documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:57 p.m.