  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = TRUE

The main function is wa_metadata(). It takes a "term" specifying the species that you would like to retrieve information and download the audio files (in mp3 format). In the exmaple below brings all records from species "Querula purpurata" into a tidy tibble.

# fetching metadata in a tidy tibble
querula_purpurata_metadata <- wa_metadata(c("Querula purpurata"))
querula_purpurata_metadata %>% head

To download all files from querula_purpurata_metadata we could use wa_download().

querula_purpurata_metadata %>% wa_download(tempdir())

The term could be part of the species name also (like the gender).

querula_metadata <- wa_metadata(c("Querula"))

For now, to browse for species names is recommended to start from the wikiaves website.

Athospd/wikiaves documentation built on July 22, 2020, 2:16 p.m.