cite_options(citation_format = 'pandoc', 
    = "numeric")
bib <- read.bibtex('bibtex/my_bib.bib')
berger = citet('10.2307/2291285')
knitc <- citet(citation('knitcitations'))


Welcome to Markdown!

\MakeUppercase{fIrSt ThInGs FiRsT} - \underline{this IS your thesis}. As you start writing your document, you will replace this example content with your own. This document is meant to serve as a shell for your thesis and a primer on how to use Markdown. Throughout this document, you will find several references and/or resources showing how to include

What is Markdown and Why Should You Use it?

Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible. This means that

There are many advantages to building your thesis in Rmarkdown, this paper advantage of r try(berger)

For a quick cheatsheet on how to build an Rmarkdown, you can visit


It's really easy to go from a matrix or a data.frame to a \LaTeX-style table in under 5 seconds. For information on how to build a table in R, you can visit The following resource will get you started on how to get your table in R ready for publication


Plots are a useful way to display data. Building plots in R is quick and easy. The following is an example using the data set mtcars.

     xlab="Miles per Gallon", 
     ylab="Horse Power", 

For a detailed and in depth desriptions on how to make plots, and the different kinds that R is capable of creating, you can visit

The ggplot2 package has the ability to offer many more plotting options than the plot() command. You can learn more about ggplot2 by going to Creating a plot with ggplot2 will allow you to add layers of data to a single plot, which can be helpful in certain situations.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


In-line equations are included within a line of text like this $y=mx^2+b$

Display Equations stand out from the rest of the text:

N <- 30
Y <- rnorm(n = N, sd = 1, mean = 0)
X <- rnorm(n = N, sd = 1, mean = 0)
plot(x = sort(X),
     y = sort(Y), 
     pch = 16,
     col = 'red',
     cex = 1.5,
     las = 1)

text, text, text

model  <- lm(Y~X)
xmodel <- xtable(summary(model), 
                 caption = 'Summary of Model')
print(xmodel, comment = F,
      include.rownames = F,
      caption.placement = 'top')

$$\bar{Y}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N Y_i}{N}=\frac{r sum(Y)}{r N}$$

Code Chunks

R gives you the ability to show the code that that was used for any plot, table, or function. You start a code chunk with r** and end a code chunk with **. Let's use the code chunk for building plots above as an example of what you would see in a code chunk.

     xlab="Miles per Gallon", ylab="Horse Power", col="blue")

Chunk Options

Code chunks have many options. You might choose to display a code chunk, like above. To do that you would add eval=FALSE. It would look like this ```r. For the purpose of displaying a plot you would add echo=FALSE in which case the code chunk would not be displayed at all. For a function, adding echo=FALSE would print only the answer to the function. For the function 2 + 2, it would look like this:


For a complete list of code chunk option, you can visit


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.

This template demonstrates some of the basic latex you'll need to know to create a JSS article.

Code formatting

Don't use markdown, instead use the more precise latex commands:

R code

This is a quote in markdown


\begin{quote} This is a quote in \LaTeX \end{quote}

Can be inserted in regular R markdown blocks.

plot(rnorm(100), col = 2, pch = 16, las = 1)

Literature Review

Citing published journal articles

Published articles have a Digital Object Identifier, or doi associated with them. The knitcitations [r try(knitc)] package allows us to easily cite papers by simply providing the doi. Note: This requires an internet connection

Citing published books with an ISBN



The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.

Analysis And Results

The purpose of this is to show stuff to you. And I want to show you some really cool stuff.


write.bibtex(file = 'bibtex/final_bib.bib')

Auburngrads/AFIT documentation built on May 5, 2019, 8:13 a.m.