
This research effort investigated the off-base community to build a tool to identify installations which should explore partnership opportunities. The scope of this research was limited to exploring library partnership opportunities at Air Force installations located in the Continental United States (CONUS). The result of this research is a tool which produces a relative measure for each off-base community, where higher values indicate a greater potential for partnerships. This relative measure utilizes inverse distance weighting (IDW) between an installation and each service location in the surrounding community. The tool can be used by decision makers to compare the computed measures and communities for each installation, and identify where the greatest opportunity for creating a partnership may exist.




$$ \begin{equation} \hspace{-700px} \displaystyle Z = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}z_i\times d_i^{-2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}d_i^{-2}} \end{equation} $$

Library Size Estimate

absolutePanel(tags$img(src = "IDW.png", height = "600px"),
              top = "200px",
              left = "1000px"
shiny::img(src = "IDW.png", height = "600px", top = "20px",    left = "100px"



IDW_straight <- read.table("App Data/IDW/Straight1.txt", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(IDW_straight) <- c("Base Name", "Short Name", "Abbr", "Long", "Lat", "IDW - 5 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 5 Miles",
                            "IDW - 10 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 10 Miles", "IDW - 15 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 15 Miles",
                            "IDW - 20 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 20 Miles", "IDW - 25 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 25 Miles",
                            "IDW - 30 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 30 Miles", "IDW - 35 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 35 Miles",
                            "IDW - 40 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 40 Miles", "IDW - 45 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 45 Miles",
                            "IDW - 50 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 50 Miles", "IDW - 55 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 55 Miles",
                            "IDW - 60 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 60 Miles", "IDW - 65 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 65 Miles", 
                            "IDW - 70 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 70 Miles", "IDW - 75 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 75 Miles", 
                            "IDW - 80 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 80 Miles", "IDW - 85 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 85 Miles", 
                            "IDW - 90 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 90 Miles", "IDW - 95 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 95 Miles", 
                            "IDW - 100 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 100 Miles")

IDW_drive <- read.table("App Data/IDW/Drive1.txt", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(IDW_drive) <- c("Base Name", "Short Name", "Abbr", "Long", "Lat", "IDW - 5 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 5 Miles",
                         "IDW - 10 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 10 Miles", "IDW - 15 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 15 Miles",
                         "IDW - 20 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 20 Miles", "IDW - 25 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 25 Miles",
                         "IDW - 30 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 30 Miles", "IDW - 35 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 35 Miles",
                         "IDW - 40 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 40 Miles", "IDW - 45 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 45 Miles",
                         "IDW - 50 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 50 Miles", "IDW - 55 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 55 Miles",
                         "IDW - 60 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 60 Miles", "IDW - 65 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 65 Miles", 
                         "IDW - 70 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 70 Miles", "IDW - 75 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 75 Miles", 
                         "IDW - 80 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 80 Miles", "IDW - 85 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 85 Miles", 
                         "IDW - 90 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 90 Miles", "IDW - 95 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 95 Miles", 
                         "IDW - 100 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 100 Miles")

Base_Locs <- read.table("App Data/Base_Locations.txt", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = F)
Base_Locs <- Base_Locs[-c(2, 19, 21, 28),]

Inputs {.sidebar}

  sliderInput(inputId = "rad", label = "Radius Around the Base:",
              min = 5, max = 100, value = 50,
              step = 5)

  selectInput(inputId = "base", label = "Installation:",
              choices = Base_Locs[,1], selected = NULL)

  selectInput(inputId = "mode", label = "Distance Mode:",
              choices = c("Straight Line Distance", "Driving Distance"),
              selected = NULL)


Radius Around the Base: This input will change the community around the base that is considered. Libraries outside of this radius will not be used in the analysis.

Installation: This input selects the installation that is viewed in the map and library list.

Distance Mode: This changes whether straight line distance or driving distance is used in the analysis.


Map: The map provides a visual display of the installation that is selected and the libraries that are within the defined radius.

IDW Measure: The IDW measure is the result produced for a specified radius and distance mode.

Library List: The libraries listed here are the libraries that fall within the specified radius of the selected installation. They are sorted by either straight line distance or driving distance depending on the distance mode selected.

Row {data-height=550}


output$basemap <- renderLeaflet({

  base.loc <- Base_Locs[which(Base_Locs[,1]%in%input$base),]
  file.location <- "App Data/Base Libs/"
  inst <- as.character(input$base)
  base_lib <- read.table(paste(c(file.location, IDW_straight[which(IDW_straight[, 1] == inst), 3], "_Libs.txt"), collapse = ""), 
                         header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(base_lib) <- c("Library Name", "Service Area Population", "Address", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Central Libraries",
                          "Branch Libraries", "Total Staff", "Print Materials", "Audio Materials", "Video Materials", "Print Serials",
                          "Computers", "Collection Space", "Seats Per", "Work Space", "Size", "Distance", "Weight", "SizeWeight",
                          "Drive Distance", "Drive Weight", "Drive SizeWeight")
  base_lib <- subset(base_lib, base_lib[, "Distance"] <= input$rad)

  # redStar <- makeIcon(
  #   iconUrl <- "C:/Files/Documents/R/publicLibs/inst/extdata4/App Data/red_star.png",
  #   iconWidth <- 10, iconHeight <- 40,
  #   iconAnchorX <- 22, iconAnchorY <- 94,
  # )

  leaflet() %>%
    addTiles() %>%
                     color = "blue",
                     radius = 6,
                     fill = T,
                     fillOpacity = 1,
                     opacity = 1,
                     popup = paste(base_lib$`Library Name`, "<br>",
                                   base_lib$Address)) %>%

                     color = "red",
                     radius = 6,
                     fill = T,
                     fillOpacity = 1,
                     opacity = 1,
                     popup = base.loc$Base..Long.Name.) %>%

    # addMarkers(base_lib$Longitude,
    #            base_lib$Latitude,
    #            popup = base_lib$Address) %>%

    # addMarkers(base.loc$Longitude,
    #            base.loc$Latitude,
    #            popup = base.loc$Base..Abbreviation.,
    #            icon = redStar) %>%

              title = "Legend",
              colors = c("Red", "Blue"),
              labels = c("Air Force Base", "Library"),
              opacity = 1)

leafletOutput("basemap", width = "100%", height = "100%")

IDW Measure

IDWData <- reactive({

  if(input$mode == "Straight Line Distance" ) {
    CONUS_Locations <- IDW_straight
    else {
      CONUS_Locations <- IDW_drive

  IDW <-
  var <- paste(c("IDW - ", input$rad, " Miles"), collapse = '')
  IDW <- IDW[order(-IDW[[var]])][,"Overall Rank" := 1:.N]
  IDW <-
  IDW <- IDW[, c("Base Name", paste(c("IDW - ", as.character(input$rad), " Miles"), collapse = ''),
                 paste(c("IDW Normalized - ", as.character(input$rad), " Miles"), collapse = ''), 
                 "Overall Rank")]


  renderTable(IDWData(), digits = 3)

  # "IDW - 5 Miles", "IDW Normalized - 5 Miles",

  # IDW <-
  # var <- paste(input$rad, "Miles")
  # IDW <- IDW[order(-IDW[[var]])][,"Overall Rank" := 1:.N]
  # IDW <-
  # IDW <- IDW[, c("Base Name", paste(as.character(input$rad), "Miles"), "Overall Rank")]

  # paste("Std_", as.character(input$rad), "_Miles")

Row {data-height=450}

Library List

  file.location <- "App Data/Base Libs/"

  selectedData <- reactive({

    inst <- as.character(input$base)
    base_lib <- read.table(paste(c(file.location, IDW_straight[which(IDW_straight[, 1] == inst), 3], "_Libs.txt"), collapse = ""),
                           header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(base_lib) <- c("Library Name", "Service Area Population", "Address", "Latitude", "Longitude",
                            "Central Libraries", "Branch Libraries", "Total Staff", "Print Materials",
                            "Audio Materials", "Video Materials", "Print Serials", "Computers", "Collection Space",
                            "Seats Per", "Work Space", "Size", "Distance", "Weight", "SizeWeight", "Drive Distance",
                            "Drive Weight", "Drive SizeWeight")

    if(input$mode == "Straight Line Distance" ) {

      col <- c("Library Name", "Service Area Population", "Central Libraries", "Branch Libraries",
               "Total Staff", "Print Materials", "Audio Materials", "Video Materials", "Print Serials",
               "Computers", "Collection Space", "Seats Per", "Work Space", "Size", "Distance", "Weight", "SizeWeight")
      libs_straight <- base_lib[, paste(col)]
      base_lib.sub <- subset(libs_straight, libs_straight[, "Distance"] <= input$rad)
      base_lib.sub <-
      base_lib.sub <- base_lib.sub[order(base_lib.sub$Distance)]
      base_lib.sub <-

  #     var <- paste(input$rad, "Miles")
  # IDW <- IDW[order(-IDW[[var]])]
    else {
      col <- c("Library Name", "Service Area Population", "Central Libraries", "Branch Libraries",
               "Total Staff", "Print Materials", "Audio Materials", "Video Materials", "Print Serials",
               "Computers", "Collection Space", "Seats Per", "Work Space", "Size", "Distance", "Drive Distance", 
               "Drive Weight", "Drive SizeWeight")
      libs_drive <- base_lib[, paste(col)]
      base_lib.sub <- subset(libs_drive, libs_drive[, "Distance"] <= input$rad)
      base_lib.sub <-
      base_lib.sub <- base_lib.sub[order(base_lib.sub$'Drive Distance')]
      base_lib.sub <-


    # datatable(base_lib.sub, rownames = FALSE, extensions = 'Scroller',
    #       options = list(scrollY = 200, scroller = TRUE, columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-left', targets = 0:3))))

  renderTable(selectedData(), digits = 2)

## options=list(scrollX=TRUE, scrolly = TRUE)

Auburngrads/publicLibs documentation built on July 24, 2020, 5:41 a.m.