Steps to install RStudio on personally-owned Windows machines

1) In the previous step you attempted to install the installr package from the CRAN

2) You can verify that the package installed by running "installr"%in%installed.packages()

a) If the returned value is `TRUE` your all set, skip down to 3)

b) If the returned value is `FALSE` run `install.packages("installr")`

c) If this attempt also fails to install the package skip down to 4)

3) With the installr package RStudio may be installed from within R by running installr::install_rstudio()

4) Without the installr package RStudio can be installed from HERE

5) Once installed, open RStudio to ensure it's linked with the your installed version of R

a) If your R installation is found, RStudio will open - <u>no news is good news</u>

b) If your R installation is not found, RStudio will fail to open properly

Auburngrads/teachingApps documentation built on June 17, 2020, 4:57 a.m.