
# Tony Worby paper from 1990s about iceberg ejection into ACC

# l2gen sea ice parameterization

## AC:

# cloud, AC interested in

# standing stock now, in a month's time, how much consumed

# accumulated poc, old code with AC

# Arrigo did PP, are they good estimates?

## RJ: 

# Arrigo great only in Ross Sea, no good in frontal zones
# (because diff. amount of chl-a, it's not less efficient)
#  photosynthetic efficiency (Pvopt, photsyn rate - assumes more efficient with higher temp)
# but this assumption falls down as you go south, life history of organisms is ignored

# iron is crucial, if there's not enough the factory cannot scale up
#  so result is a lower efficiency 

# Behrenfield used everywhere else, 
# take improved chla, plug into the Vgpm and see what difference is
# - will change the magnitudes, but also give more dynamic range
# - OSU Oregon state, Behrenfield primary productivity
# - nutrients from climatology
# - is Behrenfield seasonal or?
# - summer PP is chl-a, euphotic zone depth, some measure of photosyn efficiency Pvop, some measure of
#  daylenght (light availability) - long days, but low light is very important, but too cold or low nutrients kills


# use euphotic zone as 1/KD490 as 1 optical depth
# read paper Behrenfeld consumer's guide 1997
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