bb_example_sources: Example bowerbird data sources

View source: R/example_sources.R

bb_example_sourcesR Documentation

Example bowerbird data sources


These example sources are useful as data sources in their own right, but are primarily provided as demonstrations of how to define data sources. See also vignette("bowerbird") for further examples and discussion.





character: names or identifiers of one or more sources to return. See Details for the list of example sources and a brief explanation of each


Example data sources:

  • "NOAA OI SST V2" - a straightforward data source that requires a simple one-level recursive download

  • "Australian Election 2016 House of Representatives data" - an example of a recursive download that uses additional criteria to restrict what is downloaded

  • "CMEMS global gridded SSH reprocessed (1993-ongoing)" - a data source that requires a username and password

  • "Oceandata SeaWiFS Level-3 mapped monthly 9km chl-a" - an example data source that uses the bb_handler_oceandata method

  • "Sea Ice Trends and Climatologies from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS, Version 3" - an example data source that uses the bb_handler_earthdata method

  • "Bathymetry of Lake Superior" - another example that passes extra flags to the bb_handler_rget call in order to restrict what is downloaded


a tibble with columns as specified by bb_source


See the doc_url and citation field in each row of the returned tibble for references associated with these particular data sources

See Also

bb_config, bb_handler_rget, bb_handler_oceandata, bb_handler_earthdata, bb_source_us_buildings


## define a configuration and add the 2016 election data source to it
cf <- bb_config("/my/file/root") %>% bb_add(
   bb_example_sources("Australian Election 2016 House of Representatives data"))

## Not run: 
  ## synchronize (download) the data

## End(Not run)

AustralianAntarcticDivision/bowerbird documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 6:47 p.m.