oisst: OISST v2 files

oisstR Documentation

OISST v2 files


Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature, from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/. These files contain four variables 'sst', 'anom', 'err' and 'ice' for sea surface temperature, sst anomaly, sst error and sea ice concentration on a regular global longitude latitude grid, with dimensions 1440x720 grid (0.25 degree spatial resolution).





At the time of writing (2021-01-18) the files are accessible at https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/sea-surface-temperature-optimum-interpolation/v2.1/access/avhrr/. See the [blueant](https://github.com/AustralianAntarcticDivision/blueant) package for a convenient way to obtain this data set named "NOAA OI 1/4 Degree Daily SST AVHRR".

These files can be accessed individually 'raster' package function 'raster' or as multiple layers with 'brick' or 'raster::stack'. Use the 'varname' argument to choose one of the four variables.

To obtain full NetCDF header metadata use 'ncdf4::open.nc(file)' or 'RNetCDF::print.nc(RNetCDF::open.nc(file))' to see the equivalent of 'ncdump -h' output.

Optimally Interpolated version 2 SST moved from 'eclipse.ncdc.noaa.gov', to 'www.ncei.noaa.gov' at the end of 2017. Version 2 was superseded by version 2.1 during 2020.


tibble data frame of file names, with columns 'fullname' and 'date'


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AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadfiles documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 11:06 p.m.