packed_lats: packed_lats

Description Details


A vector of reduced precision latitudes, stored as 10* decimal latitude from contouring NSIDC 25km sea ice extent. The vector is in groups of 360 from longitude in whole numbers from -180 to 179 inclusive. There were 12538 days of these data on 2017-11-10 (since 1978-10-26). The cached data will be updated now and then, we are exploring ways to make this more convenient and it would be good to include the northern hemisphere as well.


This is not enough information to reconstruct the entire sequence, because the earliest years are two-daily, and there's a several week gap in 1987 or so so the dates will also need to be encoded explicitly in the package (or we will provide interpolated latitudes for the gaps).

AustralianAntarcticDivision/sospatial documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:35 a.m.