
# # original author: Tobias Meissner
# library(DESeq2)
# library(RColorBrewer)
# library(gplots)
# library(edgeR)
# library(dplyr)
# library(SPIA)
# library(graphite)
# library(org.Hs.eg.db)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(corrplot)
# library(EDASeq)
# source('src/func.R')
# ################################################################################
# # get command line arguments
# ################################################################################
# args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
# patientData <- args[1] #'~/AWS/storage/pats/rna/CCD018/CCD018.ReadsPerGene.out.tab' 
# tumorType <- args[2] #'BRCA'
# libType <- args[3] #'stranded-reverse' # options: unstranded, stranded, stranded-reverse
# refPath <- args[4] #'~/AWS/s3/averaprojects/CRC'
# outDir <- args[5] #'~/Downloads/temp/'
# if(dir.exists(outDir)) {
#   print('Output directory exists')
#   } else {
#     dir.create(outDir)
# }
# ################################################################################
# # load the reference cohort
# ################################################################################
# source('src/loadRef.R')
# allTumorTypes <- c('BRCA', 'OV', 'LAML',
#                    'FALLOPIAN')
# if (tumorType %in% allTumorTypes) {
#   loadRef(tumorType, refPath)
# } else {
#   print('Tumor Type is not supported')
#   stop()
# }
# vsdRefMat <- assay(reference$reference_vsd)
# ################################################################################
# # read in patient data
# ################################################################################
# source('src/patientDataIn.R')
# df <- patData(patientData)
# ################################################################################
# # diff expression against healthy controls and/or tcga matched normal
# ################################################################################
# source('src/diff.R')
# diffExpr <- diff(tumorType, vsdRefMat, df)
# res1x <- as.data.frame(diffExpr$res1)
# res1x <- cbind(id=rownames(res1x), res1x) #,@call=patientREC$Pcalls)
# res1Sig <- arrange(res1x[which(res1x$padj < 0.05), ], padj)
# write.table(res1Sig, paste0(outDir, 'patient_vs_normal.csv'), sep='\t', row.names = FALSE)
# if(any(reference$group=='MNORMAL')) {
#   res2x <- as.data.frame(diffExpr$res2)
#   res2x <- cbind(id=rownames(res2x), res2x) #,@call=patientREC$Pcalls)
#   res2Sig <- arrange(res2x[which(res2x$padj < 0.05), ], padj)
#   write.table(res2Sig, paste0(outDir, 'patient_vs_mnormal.csv'), sep='\t', row.names = FALSE)  
# }
# ################################################################################
# # viz
# ################################################################################
# source('src/viz.R')
# palette(rainbow(4))
# if(any(reference$group=='MNORMAL')) {
#   pdf(paste0(outDir, 'qc.pdf'))
#   # add sample to reference
#   sRef <- samleToRef(df, 
#                      reference, 
#                      loggeomeansRef, 
#                      vsdRefMat, 
#                      diffExpr$selNormal, 
#                      diffExpr$selMNormal, 
#                      diffExpr$selTumor
#   )
# } else {
#   pdf(paste0(outDir, 'qc.pdf'))
#   # add sample to reference
#   sRef <- samleToRef(df, 
#                      reference, 
#                      loggeomeansRef, 
#                      vsdRefMat, 
#                      diffExpr$selNormal, 
#                      NULL,
#                      diffExpr$selTumor
#   )
# }  
# ## library size
# my.libplot(diffExpr$dds, col=factor(sRef$des), legend=sRef$des)
# ## transformed data, boxplot
# my.vsdplot(sRef$vsdMat, col=factor(sRef$des), sRef$des)
# ## relative log expression
# plotRLE(sRef$vsdMat, 
#         col=factor(sRef$des), 
#         outline=FALSE, 
#         las=3, 
#         ylim=c(-.2, .2), 
#         ylab="Relative Log Expression", 
#         cex.axis=1, 
#         cex.lab=1,
#         names=sRef$des
# )
# ## pca
# my.pca(sRef$vsdMat, sRef$des)
# ## sample-to-sample dist
# my.ssDist(sRef$vsdMat, sRef$des)
# dev.off()
AveraSD/nof1_rnaseq documentation built on May 5, 2019, 9:22 a.m.