knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
# Helper function for the chunk below
clip_and_trim <- function (rst, lower = .Machine$double.eps, upper = Inf) {
  clamped <- raster::clamp(rst, -Inf, upper, useValues = TRUE)
  clipped <- raster::clamp(clamped, lower, Inf, useValues = FALSE)
# Let's only look at cells where the "risk" is between 100 and 500
# Otherwise, we'll have a kludgy map (try it!)
raster_obj <-
  CARE_1km_cancer_risk %>%
  clip_and_trim(lower = 100, upper = 500)
# A "basemap" that just shows the (whole) Bay Area, 
# with a nice neutral background (Stamen's "Toner" tileset)
ll_basemap <- 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLite") %>% 
  setViewBayArea(zoom = 9)
# Finally, add the raster as a layer on top of the basemap.
# Give it a nice perceptually uniform colormap (viridis::plasma)
# Make it mostly translucent with `opcaity = 0.2`
ll_basemap %>% 
                 colors = viridis::plasma(10), opacity = 0.2)

BAAQMD/CARE documentation built on Feb. 26, 2021, 1:31 a.m.