get_br: Get band ratios

View source: R/CHLA_OCX.R

get_brR Documentation

Get band ratios


Given a matrix of Rrs (remote sensing reflectances) with column names, and the blue and green wavebands to use, calculate the band ratios.


get_br(rrs, blues, green, use_443nm = FALSE)



Numeric matrix where rows = records, columns = Rrs wavebands, with named columns ("Rrs_XXX", where XXX is a wavelength in nanometres). Names must match c(blues, green), i.e. same names, from shortest waveband to longest.


Character vector of Rrs wavebands in the blue range (e.g. c("Rrs_443", Rrs_488")), matching column name(s) in rrs, maximum 3 options, arranged from shortest waveband to longest. Note that if use_443nm=FALSE, the 443nm waveband will be removed and another must be used in its place.


String, Rrs waveband in the green range (e.g. "Rrs_547"), matching a column name in rrs


Logical value, TRUE to make the 443nm band an option in the band ratio


Slightly negative Rrs are allowed according to the rules used by NASA OBPG: The shortest blue band used in the model must be > -0.001, and if there are 2 possible blue bands used in the model, the one with the lowest value must be > -0.001.


Named list of two vectors: rrs_ocx (the band ratio values), and ratio_used (strings indicating which "blue" waveband was used for each band ratio)

BIO-RSG/oceancolouR documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 7:47 a.m.