Man pages for BPJandree/optMaxlik

aiccCorrected AIC
areFixedMainly auxiliary. Returns a vector indicating which...
as.numeric.matrixMainly auxiliary. Same as as.numeric() but for matrices.
breadsGet the breads to build standard errors.
dropnaDrop NA values from a vector.
freeParsGet number of unrestricted parameters from a maxLik object.
insert.atMainly auxiliary. Inserts the content of an object into the...
opt.maxLikMain function of the package. Automated general to specific...
parsToOriginalMainly auxiliary. Function to convert final parameters back...
parsToOriginal2Mainly auxiliary. Function to convert final parameters back...
seGet standard errors.
BPJandree/optMaxlik documentation built on May 5, 2019, 10:26 a.m.