
Data included in this package was generated by harmonizing all publicly available bulk RNA-seq samples from human primary colorectal tissue available through NCBI's Sequence Read Archive and database of Genotypes and Phenotypes, NCI's Genomic Data Commons, and the NIH-funded BarcUVa-Seq project. FASTQ files were downloaded directly or generated from BAM files using biobambam2. Gene expression estimates were generated from FASTQ files using Salmon and aggregated from quant.sf files using tximport. The original processed data are stored as tab-delimited text on Synapse under Synapse ID syn22237139 and packaged as SummarizedExperiment objects on ExperimentHub to facilitate reproduction and extension of results published in Dampier et al. (PMCID: PMC7386360, PMID: 32764205).


The following example demonstrates how to download the dataset from ExperimentHub.

First, make sure the Bioconductor packages BiocManager, SummarizedExperiment, and ExperimentHub are installed:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) {
BiocManager::install(c("SummarizedExperiment", "ExperimentHub", "FieldEffectCrc"))

Second, load the SummarizedExperiment and ExperimentHub packages:


Third, find the FieldEffectCrc data objects and look at their descriptions:

hub = ExperimentHub()
## simply list the resource names
ns <- listResources(hub, "FieldEffectCrc")
## query the hub for full metadata
crcData <- query(hub, "FieldEffectCrc")
## extract metadata
df <- mcols(crcData)
## see where the cache is stored
hc <- hubCache(crcData)

Fourth, explore the metadata of a particular file. Let's look at the data for cohort A:

md <- hub["EH3524"]

Fifth, download the data object itself as a SummarizedExperiment:

## using resource ID
data1 <- hub[["EH3524"]]
## using loadResources()
data2 <- loadResources(hub, "FieldEffectCrc", "cohort A")

Since the data is a SummarizedExperiment, the different phenotypes can be accessed using colData(). The phenotype of interest in the field effect analysis is referred to as sampType:


Quick Start

To immediately access the count data for the 834 samples in cohort A, load the SummarizedExperiment object for cohort A as demonstrated in the Installation section immediately above. Then use the assays() accessor function to extract the counts assay, which is the second assay in the SummarizedExperiment:

se <- data1
counts1 <- assays(se)[["counts"]]

Note that assay(), the singular as opposed to plural, will by default extract the first assay element from a SummarizedExperiment but will extract the 'i'th assay element with the assay(se, i) syntax:

counts2 <- assay(se, 2)

The two alternatives are equivalent:


Case Study

We are interested in conducting a differential expression analysis using DESeq2 to identify genes over- and under-expressed in different colorectal tissue phenotypes. Due to substantial technical artifacts between single-end and paired-end library formats observed in the full FieldEffectCrc data set, samples are grouped according to library format, with paired-end samples in cohorts A and B and single-end samples in cohort C. Cohort A is the primary analysis cohort and the one we want to use to discover differentially expressed genes. To begin, load cohort A as demonstrated in the Installation section immediately above if not already loaded.

In the following steps, we will use DESeq2 to perform differential expression analysis on expression data stored in the SummarizedExperiment object for cohort A. We will adjust for latent batch effects with surrogate variable analysis as implemented in the sva package. This analysis would typically consume excess memory and time, so for the purpose of demonstration, we perform the analysis on a small subset of the full data.

Prepare DESeqDataSet

In order to take advantage of the feature lengths preserved by tximport, we will recreate a tximport object from the SummarizedExperiment object downloaded from ExperimentHub and use the DESeqDataSetFromTximport() function to create the DESeqDataSet object. Alternatively, the SummarizedExperiment object itself could be used to create the DESeqDataSet object using the DESeqDataSet() function, but the order of the assays would need to be re-arranged and the counts would need to be rounded, as the DESeqDataSet() function expects counts with integer values to be the first assay in a SummarizedExperiment object, and abundance with floating-point values is the first assay in the FieldEffectCrc objects to facilitate conversion to tximport objects. Such a re-ordering is facilitated by the FieldEffectCrc::reorder_assays() function. Yet another option is to extract the counts assay as a matrix and use the DESeqDataSetFromMatrix() function to create the DESeqDataSet object. Since there are probably some benefits to feature length normalization as implemented in DESeq2 when such information is available, we demonstrate creation of the tximport object.

First, make the tximport object, which is just an object of class list from base R:

## manual construction
txi <- as.list(assays(se))
txi$countsFromAbundance <- "no"
## convenience function construction
txi <- make_txi(se)

Next, we could assign the clinical annotations from colData(se) to an S4Vectors::DataFrame or a base::data.frame object, since that is what DESeqDataSetFromTximport() expects for the colData argument. However, the colData slot of a SummarizedExperiment object already stores the clinical annotations as an S4Vectors::DataFrame, so we are ready to create the DESeqDataSet object:

if (!requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly=TRUE)) {
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi, colData(se), ~ sampType)

Note that we are interested in expression differences between phenotypes, which are coded in the sampType field, so we include sampType in our preliminary design.

Filter Genes

Normally, we would pre-filter genes to select genes whose quantities are likely to be estimated accurately. We could use something like the following code, which selects for genes with a count greater than 10 RNA molecules in at least a third of all samples:

countLimit <- 10
sampleLimit <- (1/3) * ncol(dds)
keep <- rowSums( counts(dds) > countLimit ) >= sampleLimit
dds <- dds[keep, ]

However, to expedite subsequent computational steps in this demonstration, we will select a random subset of genes and samples for analysis and then filter out any gene with a count less than 10 across all samples:

r <- sample(seq_len(nrow(dds)), 6000)
c <- sample(seq_len(ncol(dds)), 250)
dds <- dds[r, c]
r <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[r, ]

Estimate Size Factors and Dispersions, Fit Negative Binomial Models, and Perform Wald Test

Amazingly, DESeq2 estimates size factors (i.e. normalization factors based on library size and feature length) and dispersions for every gene, fits negative binomial models for every gene, and performs a Wald test for every gene in a single function:

dds <- DESeq(dds)

Pretty incredible. Unfortunately, we have to do some more work before we can fit useful models. The size factor estimates are the key result of the DESeq() function at this stage.

Estimate Latent Factors

If we trusted our high-throughput assays to be perfect representations of the underlying biology they were designed to measure, we would be ready to test for differential expression. However, our dataset is composed of samples from several studies collected and processed in various ways over several years, so we have reason to suspect there are latent factors driving non-biological variation in the expression data. Fortunately, we can use sva to estimate the latent factors and include them in our DESeq2 design.

For a full tutorial on how to use the sva package, see the package vignette. For this demonstration, we will provide only cursory motivations for the code.

Prepare Inputs

The sva functions will take the normalized count data as well as model matrices as inputs. The full model matrix should include the variables of interest (e.g. sampType) as well as adjustment variables (e.g. sex, age), which we do not use here. The null model matrix should include adjustment variables only (i.e. no variables of interest). Without any adjustment variables, the null model includes an intercept term alone.

dat <- counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)  ## extract the normalized counts
mod <- model.matrix(~sampType, data=colData(dds))  ## set the full model
mod0 <- model.matrix(~1, data=colData(dds))  ## set the null model

Identify Number of Factors to Estimate

The sva package offers two approaches for estimating the number of surrogate variables that should be included in a differential expression model, the Buja Eyuboglu and Leek approaches. Buja Eyuboglu is the default approach.

if (!requireNamespace("sva", quietly=TRUE)) {
nsv <-, mod, method=c("be"), B=20, seed=1)  ## Buja Eyuboglu method

Estimate Factors

The crucial function for estimating surrogate variables in RNA-seq data is svaseq():

svs <- svaseq(dat, mod, mod0,

The output is a list of 4 elements, the first of which is the latent factor estimate with a vector for each factor. The name of this element is sv.

Append Latent Factors to colData

We want to include the latent factors as adjustment variables in our statistical testing. Here, we add the surrogate variables to colData and update the DESeqDataSet design formula:

for (i in seq_len(svs$ {
    newvar <- paste0("sv", i)
    colData(dds)[ , newvar] <- svs$sv[, i]
nvidx <- (ncol(colData(dds)) - i + 1):ncol(colData(dds))
newvars <- colnames(colData(dds))[nvidx]
d <- formula(
    paste0("~", paste(paste(newvars, collapse="+"), "sampType", sep="+"))
design(dds) <- d

Re-Fit Negative Binomial Models and Perform Wald Tests with Surrogate Variables

Now that we have the surrogate variables in the DESeqDataSet, we can perform the differential expression analysis we set out to do:

dds <- DESeq(dds)

Extract Results

We want to extract results from each of the following 3 comparisons:

  1. HLT vs NAT
  2. NAT vs CRC
  3. HLT vs CRC

With three categories under consideration, the DESeq() function call tests the first level against the other two, but the second and third levels are not tested against each other. (Note that the order of the levels is simply alphabetical if they are not explicitly set.) Furthermore, the results reported with the results() function are for the comparison of the first level against the last by default. Therefore, in order to extract all the results of interest, we set contrasts as follows:

cons <- list()
m <- combn(levels(colData(dds)$sampType), 2)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(m))) {
    cons[[i]] <- c("sampType", rev(m[, i]))
    names(cons) <- c(
        names(cons)[seq_len(length(cons) - 1)], paste(rev(m[, i]), collapse="v")
res <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(cons))) {
    res[[i]] <- results(dds, contrast=cons[[i]], alpha=0.05)  ## default alpha is 0.1
names(res) <- names(cons)

Display Results

Let's take a look at the results:

lapply(res, head)
lapply(res, summary)



BarcUVa-Seq/FieldEffectCrc documentation built on Sept. 23, 2020, 2:53 a.m.