
#' Draw Causal Inference from Observational Studies with Clustered Interference
#' \pkg{clusteredinterference} implements the estimators from Barkley et al.
#' (2017) \emph{Causal Inference from Observational Studies with Clustered
#' Interference} <arXiv:1711.04834>. These are inverse probability of
#' treatment-weighted estimators for estimating the causal effects on outcomes
#' of population-level treatment policies.
#' These estimators are implemented in one function, \code{\link{policyFX}}. A
#' healthy amount of documentation can be found in the vignette included in this
#' package: \code{vignette("estimate-policyFX")}.
#' @name clusteredinterference
#' @docType package
BarkleyBG/clusteredinterference documentation built on July 18, 2019, 9:18 a.m.