jpegR() is a function that will create a small jpeg of a location(s) from
available satellite imagery stored in a local archive. It has been optimized to work on USGS Landsat imagery that has been illumination corrected and stored in a date/satellite data folder structure.

jpegR(wdir, imdir, layer, attrb, start = NA, stop = NA, combo,
  buffer = 2000)


What it does

When called jpegR() will:

  1. Create a folder named site_vectors in the working directory.
  2. Split the original shape file into a separate shape file for each unique identifier in the attrb argument.
  3. Create a .txt file containing the name of the original shape file.
  4. Will perform a check of the image directory to ensure all images have correct dates (checks against incorrectly dated leap years).
  5. Creates a folder named after each new unique shape file and then using that location as a centroid, creates a jpeg from all the satellite images conforming to the supplied arguments.


The main purpose for the output jpegs is for checking image dates at site locations for cloud artifacts prior to extracting pixel values for further analysis. This is an alternative method for image quality assessment which has historically entailed cloud masking entire scenes prior to analysis.

Although originally designed for cloud quality assessment other uses can include:

Example Output

The below examples show jpegs created showing a polygon feature (in this case a wetland) outlined in magenta. __A cloud affected site displayed in false colour 542__

__A non-cloud affected site displayed in false colour 542__

Bartesto/RSSApkg documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:35 p.m.