Man pages for BenBarnard/slidR
Heteroscedastic Linear Dimension Reduction

cer_funcConditional Error Rate Calculator
check_reduceOutputCheck The Reduce Output and Output a matrix, data.frame, or...
check_targetDimTypeCheck to verify the targetDim Type and Produce a target...
classifyClassification function
covCovariance function Wrappper
dataToListMatrixData Conversion to A List of Matrices
discrimFuncDiscrimination Function Classifier
Haff_shrinkageHaff Shrinkage Precision Estimator
listMatToDataframeList of Matrices to Data Frame
listMatToGroupedDataframeList of Matrices to Grouped Data Frame
logdLog of the SVD values of a matrix
matInvSqrtMatrix Square Root Inverse
priorPriors for Groups
projection_funcProjection Function
projection_matrixProjection Matrix
S_BScatter Matrix Between
SIRSliced Inverse Regression
S_WWithin group covarinace
trTrace of Matrix
tuFunction to be optimized for Haff Shrinkage
BenBarnard/slidR documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:40 p.m.