

Jan 4, 2016

MMM - 2016 This makes a simple basemap from shapefiles using sp and rgdal.

Example of makeSpMap()

I like it because: the inital extent can be set prior to drawing the map; each layer is added only once (no need to redraw the coastline)

Additional layers can be added like this:

First, create a basemap to which you will add layers:


If workling with shapefiles, load them via readOGR, and transform it to WGS84 (if necessary)

    # if required, transform to WGS84 to match the base data
    crs.geo <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
    newshape=spTransform(newshape, crs.geo)

Add layers to the basemap

#for points
myMap=base+layer(sp.points(newshape, col="black", under=F)) 
#for lines
myMap=base+layer(sp.lines(newshape, col="black", under=F)) 
#for polygons
myMap=base+layer(sp.polygons(newshape, col="black", under=F)) 

Repeat for each additional layer, and finally, draw the final product


Beothuk/bio.utilities documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:39 p.m.