blabr 0.22.1


blabr 0.22.0





blabr 0.21.0



blabr 0.20.1


blabr 0.20.0



blabr 0.19.1


blabr 0.19.0


blabr 0.18.1


blabr 0.18.0

Fix: - No more installation errors due to missing the tidyverse meta-package. - Now, neither the packages from tidyverse, nor any other packages are attached after running library(blabr). This forces the user to insert explicit library(<pkg>) calls to their own code leading to fewer unintended consequences, e.g., filter referring to dplyr::filter instead of the standard stats::filter even when user didn't run library(dplyr).

blabr 0.17.0

Features: - Switched to the public version in get_seedlings_nouns. The development versions can still be requested. - Now, get_seedlings_nouns can get other tables and codebooks from the SEEDLingS - Nouns dataset with the table and get_codeobook parameters.

Fixes: - - devtools::test() should be run before devtools::check(). - Multiple tests don't fail anymore. Except for test-seedlings.R, this one is skipped for now.

blabr 0.16.3

Fixes: - Take into account that global_bl already exists when adding an updated global_bl column to "all_basiclevel_NA.csv". - col_factor was called without qualifying with readr::.

blabr 0.16.2

Fix: correctly add global_bl column specification when reading "all_basiclevel_NA.csv".

blabr 0.16.1

Account for adding global_bl column directly to all_basiclevel.

blabr 0.16.0

Account for csvs in the seedlings-nouns_private having moved to the "public/" subfolder.

blabr 0.15.0

get_all_basiclevel uses "all_basiclevel_na.csv" only as it will be the only file in the all_basiclevel repo from now on. If you need to stick to an older version of blabr and get_all_basiclevel stopped working for you, add type = 'csv' to the call.

blabr 0.14.2

Account for global basic level dictionaries having moved to the all_basiclevel repo.

blabr 0.14.1

Fix: make get_* functions work on Windows.

blabr 0.14.0

Add function get_seedlings_nouns that loads the seedlings-nouns dataset from the lab-private repo.

blabr 0.13.2

Switch to Makrdown for docs.

blabr 0.13.1

Bugfix: update big_aggregate to reflect the switch from "TVS" to "TVN" as "speaker" value.

blabr 0.13.0

With this change, make_five_min_approximation produces awc and cvc on the test file that differ from the corresponding lena5min csv file by at most 1.

blabr 0.12.0

There are some changes to the behavior of make_five_min_approximation: - No more zero-duration intervals. - Segments overlapping with two intervals now count fully towards both (previously they would count only towards the first one). - Intervals returned for any time point the recording was on (previously, only intervals with segments starting in them were returned).

blabr 0.11.0

blabr 0.10.0

blabr 0.9.0

blabr 0.8.1

blabr 0.8.0

blabr 0.7.0

blabr 0.6.0

blabr 0.5.2

blabr 0.5.1

blabr 0.5.0

blabr 0.4.6

LENA functions:

blabr 0.4.5

blabr 0.4.4

blabr 0.4.3

blabr 0.4.2

blabr 0.4.1

blabr 0.4.0

blabr 0.3.0

blabr 0.2.1

blabr 0.2.0

Motivation for the change: - explicitly setting dataset version gives one a chance at reproducible analysis, - using versions instead of commit hashes lets us later choose a different non-git storage option. Or, even if we do go with git, the old and new hashes will not clash and/or confuse the users. * Added a file to track changes to the package.

BergelsonLab/blabr documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:25 p.m.