Man pages for BergelsonLab/blabr
a toolbox for working in the BLAB

add_lena_statsAdd LENA stats to each interval in a dataframe
add_vtc_statsAdd ctc calculated based on the vtc annotations
all_errorsA closure to keep track of al the errors from reading the csv...
assign_time_windowsAssigns binned fixations to specified time windows
big_aggregateAdd aggregations columns into an all_basiclevel tibble
calculate_lena_like_statsCalculate stats similar to those in LENA's 5min.csv files
characters_to_factorsConvert all character columns to factors
checkout_tagDownload the dataset version specified by a tag
collect_bl_filesCollect basic level files
concat_all_blConcatenate all the basic level files
concat_month_blConcatenate basic level files by month
defunctDefunct functions
fixations_to_timeseriesConvert a dataframe of fixation intervals to an evenly spaced...
get_all_basiclevelGet the all_basiclevel data from the all_basiclevel repo
get_blab_share_pathFind BLab share
get_cdi_spreadsheetGet the CDI spreadsheet for SEEDLingS babies
get_current_commit_dateGet the date of the currently checked out commit
get_current_tagFind tag label of the currently checked out commit.
get_dataset_versionGet the version tag of the last downloaded version of a...
get_df_fileDownloads and optionally loads a csv/feather file from a...
get_global_bl_mappingsGet the global basic level spreadsheets
get_latest_tagFinds the latest version tag
get_latest_versionFind latest version available for downloading?
get_late_target_onset(no docs yet) Find late target onsets and create a doc to...
get_lena_speaker_statsCalculate per-speaker statistics based on the .its file
get_mesrep(no docs yet) Create message report with corrected key...
get_motor_spreadsheetThe the motor questionaire spreadsheet for the SEEDLingS...
get_reliabilityGet the reliability spreadsheets
get_repo_pathAbsolute path to a dataset folder
get_seedlings_nounsLoad data from the SEEDLingS - Nouns dataset
get_seedlings_speaker_statsCalculates the number of Seedlings annotations in each...
get_versionsList available versions
get_vihi_annotationsLoad VIHI annotation data
get_vtc_speaker_statsCalculate per-speaker statistics based on the VTC output
handle_dataset_versionHandles the version.
join_full_audio_videoJoin the audio and video dataframes into one big dataframe
keypress_issues(no docs yet) Find key press issues and create a doc to check...
keypress_retrieved(no docs yet) Load file with manually corrected key presses...
late_target_retrieved(no docs yet) Load file with manually corrected late target...
list_rename'dplyr::rename' for lists
make_five_min_approximationApproximate LENA's 5min.csv output
match_intervals_to_vtc_annotationsMatch intervals to VTC annotations
merge_split_reportsMerge tables from split fixation and message reports
pipePipe operator
prepare_intervalsPrepare intervals to potentially be annotated later
prepare_intervals_for_samplingPrepare intervals for sampling
process_concat_blPost-processing for the full basic level dataframe
read_fixation_reportRead EyeLink fixation report file
read_message_reportRead EyeLink message report file
read_reportRead EyeLink fixation/message report file
read_rttmRead an .rttm file produced by Voice Type Classifier
read_seedlings_audio_annotationsRead audio sparse code csv from the Seedlings annotations.
run_git_commandRun a git command in a dataset repository
sample_intervals_periodicallySample intervals periodically, e.g. every hour
sample_intervals_randomlySample intervals randomly
sample_intervals_with_highestSample intervals that are highest on a given metric
split_fixation_reportSplit a fixation report into a list of hierarchical...
split_message_reportSplit a message report into a list of hierarchical dataframes
split_reportSplit a fixation or message report into hierarchical...
tag_low_data_trialsTag low-data trials based on fixation timeseries
theme_AMERICATheme "AMERICA" for ggplot2
theme_blabTheme "blab" for ggplot2
theme_spookyTheme "spooky" for ggplot2
update_global_basic_levelsUpdates global basic levels in all_basiclevel_na
update_tagsFetches dataset tags from GitHub
write_rttmWrite a tibble to an .rttm file
write_seedlings_audio_annotationsWrite the seedlings audio annotation tibble back to the csv...
BergelsonLab/blabr documentation built on Dec. 22, 2024, 9:32 p.m.