Man pages for Big-Life-Lab/recodeflow
Contains functions to interface with variable details sheets, including recoding variables and converting them to PMML

compare_value_based_on_intervalCompare Value Based On Interval
create_id_rowID role creation
create_label_list_elementCreate label list element
example_der_funexample_der_fun caluclates chol*bili
format_recoded_valueRecode NA formatting
get_data_variable_nameGet Data Variable Name
get_table_nameReturns the name of the table for a table start variable
is_derived_varWhether a variable in a variables details sheet is a derived...
is_equalChecks whether two values are equal including NA
is_table_feeder_varChecks whether a variable start is a table
pbcThe pbc dataset
pbc_metadataMetadata for the pbc dataset using the DCIM standard
pbc_variable_detailsVariable details sheet for the pbc dataset
pbc_variablesVariables sheet for the pbc dataset
rec_with_tableRecode with Table
select_vars_by_roleVars selected by role
set_data_labelsSet Data Labels
tester_variable_detailsExample variable details sheet for vignettes
tester_variablesExample variables sheet for vignettes
utilsUtility functions for the recodeflow package
variable-startVariable start helper functions
Big-Life-Lab/recodeflow documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 10:39 a.m.