Man pages for BigelowLab/dismotools

animate_gifCreate a gif animation using rasterVis::levelplot() and...
as_POSIXctConvert a Date, character, or POSIXlt to POSIXct
assemble_gbmGiven a list of one or more gbm.objects, retrieve a tibble...
auc_rasterGiven a Raster* object and point locations compute the AUC
auc_vectorCompute AUC values ala presence-only data
auc_vector_fastCompute AUC values ala presence-only data using a fast...
cellFromPts-deprecatedConverts point location to cell number.
compute_responseCompute maxent response
date_to_seasonnameCompute a season from POSIXct or Date values
date_to_seasonpriorCompute the prior season specified for each provided date.
date_to_seasonstartCompute a season start from POSIXct or Date values
date_to_weekConvert to as POSIXct to an 8D week number (1-46) or 7D week...
dismotoolsdismotools: Handy tools for the raster and dismo packages.
doy_windowCompute the doy window given the day of year and window size
extract_gbmExtract a simple table of info from a single gbm.object
images_to_gifCreate a gif animatation using ImageMagick's convert
layers_extractPoints-deprecatedExtract values from a multilayer Raster*
layers_randomPoints-deprecatedSelect N non-NA random points from a mulitlayer Raster*...
maxent_assemble_resultsGiven a list of maxent models prepare a data frame of results
maxent_get_resultsRetrieve the results of a MaxEnt model by name
maxent_get_varnamesRetrieve the names of the input variables of a maxent model
maxent_read_resultsRead MaxEnt results from a text file
maxent_responseCompute the predictor response(s) for a maxent model.
maxent_summarySummarize a maxent model
maxent_write_summaryWrite a maxent summary file
mintersectCompute the intersection of a list of vectors
model_successfulChecks if a dismo model ran successfully
munionCompute the union of a list of vectors
plot_gbmPlot a gbm.object
plot_model_summaryPlot a three panel summary: contributions, AUC and counts
plot_responsePlot a response
read_maxentRead a dismo::MaxEnt model saved in a directory.
read_model_summaryRead a summary file for a model family run - generally...
seq_seasonGenerate a sequence of POSIXct or Date by season start dates
shannon_counts_indexCompute Shannon Index froma a table of counts
shannon_indexCompute a Shannon index for diversity of equitability
shannon_proportion_indexCompute the Shannon index from a table of contributions
todayCompute today's date as POSIXct
tomorrowCompute the next n day
yesterdayCompute the prior n day.
BigelowLab/dismotools documentation built on Jan. 4, 2023, 11:24 a.m.