Man pages for BigelowLab/ecomon
ecomon - manage local data of NMFS-NEFSC ecomon database

add_biomassGiven a table of observations as biomass as computed in...
ecomonecomon - manage local data of NMFS-NEFSC ecomon database
ecomon_colsRetrieve a named vector of column names and types for ecomon
ecomon_urlRetrieve a NCEI url to a dataset
fetch_ecomonFecth EcoMon data from NCEI
get_data_pathRetrieve the user specified data path
has_data_pathTest if a data path config file exists
list_dataRetrieve the path to one or more ecomon datasets
read_crossRead the special file provided to C Ross
read_ctdRead NOAA CTD table provided by personal communication by...
read_ecomonRead a ecomon data - trim to bare necessities
read_ecomon_oneRead a a single ecomon data file
read_stagedRead the staged data provided via 2022-03-03 personal...
scale_ecomonScales ecomon units
set_data_pathWrite the configuration file
SorochanRead data from the Sorochan paper
staged_filenameGiven a species, retirve the name of the staged species file
staged_match_ctdGiven a cruise data frame of staged data with 'cruise_name'...
BigelowLab/ecomon documentation built on Dec. 8, 2023, 9:21 p.m.