
R utilities for working with FlowCam data.



It's easy to install using Hadley Wickham's devtools.

# if you don't have devtools already then do this first
# install.packages("devtools")


MS Windows users note

Please note that path separators in Windows require some attention.

These work as \\ and / are equivalent ...

"D:\\SABOR FCAM Classified\\LCL CLASSIFIED_2016-01-20.SABOR.txt"
"D:/SABOR FCAM Classified/LCL CLASSIFIED_2016-01-20.SABOR.txt"

This doesn't work ...

"D:\SABOR FCAM Classified\LCL CLASSIFIED_2016-01-20.SABOR.txt"

Utilities - to make the user's life easier


The FlowCamRefClass is a simple container for data, post-processed data, context and classification data. It has the following fields...

path - the fully qualified path description
name - the basename of path
filelist - a complete listing of relative paths within path
ctx - context information in a ConfiguratorRefClass object
cla - classification data stored in FlowCam_class S3 object
data - a data.frame with the original data (from path/name.csv) and possibly post-processed data prefixed with 'PP_'

Here is an example to create and print a FlowCamRefClass instance.

X <- FlowCam("~/Dropbox/OSM 2016 Biovolume/LS2_1M/203-210524")
# Path: ~/Dropbox/OSM 2016 Biovolume/LS2_1M/203-210524 
# Version:  3.4.5 
# Trigger Mode:  Fluorescent 
# Cal Const:  1.0000 
# ESD range: 4.0000 - 10000.0000 
# n_particles: 354 
#      UserLabel Count       Volume
# 1A01      1A01     4    34059.576
# 1A02      1A02     2    99288.748
# 1A04      1A04    14  1110339.376
# 1A05      1A05    12   187656.743
# 1A06      1A06     4     4993.561
# 1B05      1B05     9   164795.228
# 2A          2A    33   406815.043
# 2C01      2C01     7   780305.413
# 2C02      2C02    18  1423174.460
# 2C03      2C03     3   326789.254
# 2D          2D     2    36118.105
# 3A          3A     1    25146.093
# 3B          3B    19   401392.654
# 3C          3C    21   392861.659
# 6A          6A    15 10089538.792
# 8A          8A    37   445256.185
# 8B          8B   126   114050.018
# 9A          9A    17   205528.506
# 9B          9B     2 19893320.236
# 9D          9D     8   292443.006

Users can get help on FlowCam using ?FlowCam


Read one or more FlowCamRefClass objects into one list-like object.

# if you have a character vector of directories
XX <- FlowCamGroup(some_list_of_paths)

# or if you have prepped a file, say 'SABOR.txt',  that list these directories...
# D:\SABOR FCAM Classified\LCL CLASSIFIED_2016-01-20\1634FTconc\216-002758
# D:\SABOR FCAM Classified\LCL CLASSIFIED_2016-01-20\1716FTconc\210-175915

XX <- FlowCamGroup(filename = "D:/SABOR FCAM Classified/LCL CLASSIFIED_2016-01-20.SABOR.txt")

Your can requested the particle IDs for all particles of a certain class.

# get tally of items labeled '1A'
ix <- which_labeled(XX, label = '1A')

And you can request a aggregate volume by class summary. By default the summary is saved as a CSV file as 'volume_summary.csv'. Just where this is saved depends... (a) if you provide a list it will be saved in the parent directory of the first flowcam directory in the list, or (b) if you provide a file that lists the flowcam directories then it is saved in it's parent directory (beside the input file), or, finally, (c) you can explicitly provide the path and filename to save.

# get a volume-by-class summary table, save by default
vs <- volume_summary(XX)

# get a volume-by-class summary table, save to specified file
vs <- volume_summary(XX, filename = 'C:/my/path/volume_summary.csv')

Users can get help on FlowCamGroup using ?FlowCamGroup

Developer Tools - to make the developer's life easier


Read the context configuration file into a ConfigurationRefClass object using read_context(). An example is included.

filename <- system.file("extdata", "201-045311.ctx", package = "flowcamr")
Cfg <- read_context(filename)

# print it
# [Software]
# SoftwareName=VisualSpreadsheet
# SoftwareVersion=3.4.5
# SoftwareBetaFlag=0
# ...

# get the FringeSize
fringe_size <- as.numeric(Cfg$get("Fluid", "FringeSize", default = "3.14"))

Read .cla files using read_classifications() Example data is included. Try reading into a data.frame as well as FlowCam_class S3 object.

filename <- system.file("extdata", "201-045311.cla", package = "flowcamr")
x <- read_classifications(filename, form = 'data.frame')
> head(x)
#   class_name particle_id classification
# 1          1           1           test
# 2          1          12           test
# 3          1          14           test
# 4          1          16           test
# 5          1          22           test
# 6          1          44           test

X <- read_classifications(filename, form = 'FlowCam_class')

BigelowLab/flowcamr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:42 p.m.