Man pages for BigelowLab/namanl

bbox_to_polygonConvert a bbox to sp::polygon, sp::Polygons, or...
closest_indexComputes the index that places the value in the vector
decompose_uriDecompose a NAM218 filename into constituent parts. The...
example_get_total_precipitationGet the total precipitation for two days.
find_intervalA wrapper around base::findInterval() that allows decreasing...
Grib1Create a Grib1RefClass object
has_varTest if variable names include the ones specified
mgreplPerform grepl on multiple patterns; it's like AND-ing or...
NAM218Create an instance of NAM218RefClass
nam218_browseBrowse the OPeNDAP resources online
nam218_downloadDownload a GRIB file
nam218_nc_openRetrieve a ncdf4 object - only if ncdf4 package is available
NAM218RefClass_bb_to_xyConvert from longlat bounding box to start, count for x and y
NAM218RefClass_get_inventoryRetrieve the inventory for the grib file
NAM218RefClass_get_layerRetrieve a parameter
nam218_timeFrom a two vectors of forecast period ('ftime') and forecast...
nam218_urlRetrieve a URL for various resources
nam218_url_errorTest if a NAM218 OpenDAP URL points to accessible datasets.
NAM218_x_y_something_timeRetrieve a variable based upon [x,y,something,time] as a...
NAM218_x_y_timeRetrieve a variable based upon [x,y,time] as a matrix
namanl_base_urlRetrieve the base url for either HTML, XML or OPENDAP...
namanl_grib1_httpsFetch a grb and companion inv file via https
namanl_grib1_https_uriConstruct a https uri given the name of a GRIB1 file
namanl_grib1_name_parseParse a NAMANL grib filename
namanl_openOpen an ncdf4 connection to an NAM-ANL uri
namanl_threshold_dateRetrieve the NAM-ANL inclusive threshold that defines...
namanl_urlConstruct thredds base urls for provided date(s)
NAMcastCreate an instance of NAMcastRefClass
namcast_base_urlRetrieve the base url for either HTML, XML or OPENDAP...
namcast_openOpen an ncdf4 connection to an NAM(cast) uri
namcast_parse_filenameParse NAM forecast filenames
NAMcastRefClass_bb_to_xyConvert from longlat bounding box to start, count for x and y
NAMcastRefClass_get_layerRetrieve a parameter
NAMcastRefClass_get_layersRetrieve a stack of numerous layers for a single parameter
NAMcastRefClass_get_timeCompute the POSIXct timestamps
namcast_threshold_dateRetrieve the NAM-CAST inclusive threshold that defines...
namcast_urlConstruct thredds base urls for provided date(s)
NAMcast_x_y_lev_timeRetrieve a variable based upon [x,y,lev,time] as a matrix
NAMcast_x_y_timeRetrieve a variable based upon [x,y,time] as a matrix
nam_queryRun a query for NAM-218 datasets
ncdim_getRetrieve a list defining a single dimension
ncdim_listRetrieve a vector of pretty dimensions
ncdim_prettyRetrieve a vector of pretty dimensions
ncglobal_attsRetrieve a named list of global attributes
nctime_getRetrieve a vector of timestamps for a multilayer NC object or...
ncvardim_getRetrieve a list of dimension vectors, one for each variable
ncvar_dim_nameRetrieve a named vector of variable dimensions as a string....
ncvar_infoRetrieve a matrix generic information about each variable
ncvarname_getRetrieve a vector of variable names
ncvarname_prettyMake a pretty list of variables "varname [dim1,dim2,...]"
query_latest_forecastQuery the latest forecast datasets
query_nam218Run a query for NAM-218 datasets
query_namanlQuery NAM-ANL catalog for opendap resources by date
query_namanl_catalogQuery the catalog at the specified URL for the specified date
query_namcastQuery NAM-ANL catalog for opendap resources by date
query_namcast_archiveQuery the namcast resources for archived forecasts (different...
query_namcast_catalogQuery the catalog at the specified URL for the specified date
read_grib1_invRead the grib1 inventory from a grib1 file
select_bandGiven a GRIB1 inventory table, select the band number
top_urlRetrieve the top level catalog URL
which_gribDetermine by date whether to use grib1 or grib2
which_varRetrieve the full variable name that best matches the...
x_y_somethingGiven a string x_y_something_time extract the 'something'
BigelowLab/namanl documentation built on Nov. 15, 2021, 3:11 p.m.