Man pages for BigelowLab/ndfd
A RESTful R interface to the NWS National Digital Forecast Database

build_queryGiven a named character vector, craft a query
build_query_elementGiven an element list of names from standard list found
check_responseCheck an 'httr::response' class object and possible pare to...
create_exceptionCreate an exception xml_node
DWMLBaseRefClass-classThe root class for any DWML XML structure
DWMLDataRefClass-classA DWML class for for the data section
DWMLDataRefClass_common_startsRetrieves the common start times across all time-layouts
DWMLDataRefClass_get_dataRetrieve the data by name
DWMLDataRefClass_get_locationExtracts location information
DWMLDataRefClass_get_parametersList the parameters Extracts parameters information
DWMLDataRefClass_get_time_layoutExtracts time-layout information
DWMLDataRefClass_list_time_layoutRetrieves a character vector of time-layout keys
DWMLExceptionRefClass-classA DWML exception class
DWML_get_time_layoutRetrieve a list of time layout data frames
DWMLHeadRefClass-classA DWML class for for the head section
DWMLHeadRefClass_concise_nameRetrieve the concise name of the data set
DWMLHeadRefClass_creation_dateRetrieve the creation date of the data set ala...
DWMLLatLonListRefClass-classA DWML class for for the lonLatList section
DWMLLatLonListRefClass_get_locationExtracts location information
DWMLTopRefClass-classThe top level DWML class for containing a non-exception query...
DWMLTopRefClass_get_dataGet data by name and time-layout key
DWMLTopRefClass_get_locationGet the location data if available
DWMLTopRefClass_get_time_layoutGet the time-layout if available
get_ndfdXMLclient_basicThis function is used during development to create and save...
get_ndfdXMLclient_groupsThis function is used during development to create and save...
get_ndfdXMLclient_varsThis function is used during development to create and save...
get_one_parameterExtract one parameter from an xml_node
get_queryRetrieve a response for a given query
is_exceptionTest xml_node or NodeRefClass is an exception
is_xml_nodeTest if an object inherits from xml2::xml_node
list_parameter_keysRetrieve a list of time layout keys for parameters
list_thisConstructs a query to list resources available
list_time_layout_keysRetrieve a list of the time-layout keys in a DWMLDataRefClass
n2cConvert numeric values to character
NDFDInstantiate a NDFRefClass object
ndfdElementInputNamesThe available input elements for queries
NDFDRefClass-classA DWML generic use class
ndfd_uriConstruct a NDFD uri possibly with a query
ndfdXMLclient_basicThe basic query terms for most searches
ndfdXMLclient_groupsQuery search terms groups by the type of search
ndfdXMLclient_varsThe available variables for ndfdXMLclient client queries.
parameter_to_stringCast a parameter to character (suitable for...
parse_responseParse an 'httr::response' class object to DWMLBaseRefClass...
paste_listLatLonConvert location pairs into characters suitable for...
query_thisConstruct a query using an optional preconfigured list of...
split_indicesGroups indices (1 to n) into groups of MAX size
t2cFormat date-time values into YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM
which_clientUndocumented query parameter (as far as I can tell)...
xml_attsExtract the attributes from a simple xml_node object
xml_stringConvert xml_node to character
xml_valueExtract the value from a simple xml_node object
BigelowLab/ndfd documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:43 p.m.