Man pages for BigelowLab/nssp
Access RESTful Maine DMR ESRI Map Service

browse_dmrLaunch URI for browsing if possible
fetch_currentFetch the current NSSP closures as sf with the option to save
has_mensspReturn the default path, possible stored as an R option...
menssp-packagemenssp package
menssp_pathRetrieve the MENSSP path
NSSP_LUTReturns the NSSP codes
P90_breaksReturn the P90 breaks as numeric break points
PA_IDRetrieve sets of PA_NUMBERs by regional name.
read_archivedRead locally stored archived NSSP data
read_nsspRead locally stored NSSP current data
read_P90Read locally stored P90 data
to_POSIXctConvert ESRI datetime (ms since 1970-01-01) to POSIXct
uri_baseGet the base uri
uri_currentGet the uri of the current NSSP areas
uri_nsspGet the URI for past nssp by year
uri_P90Get the URI for past P90 data by year
BigelowLab/nssp documentation built on June 1, 2019, 3:51 a.m.