Man pages for BillVenables/WWRUtilities
Support Software and Data for WWR

bcBox-Cox transform
bc_invBox-Cox transform inverse
box_coxBox-cox constructor function
default_testGuess the default test
dot-normaliseNormalise a vector
eigen2Generalized eigenvalue problem
GICIntermediate Information Criterion
givens_orthGivens orthogonalisation
gs_orth_modifiedGram-Schmidt orthogonalization
lambdaFind the box-cox transform exponent estimate
makepredictcall.normaliseMethod function for safe prediction
mean_cMean and variance for a circular sample
plot.droptermDropterm plot method
print.lambdaPrint method for Box-Cox objects
RsqMultiple correlation coefficient methods
step_AICStepwise model construction and inspection
step_downNaive backeward elimination
vcovxExtended variance matrix
which_triWhich in lower/upper triangle
WWRSoftware-packageSupport Software and Datasets for WWR
zsStandardisation functions for models
BillVenables/WWRUtilities documentation built on Jan. 26, 2021, 10:18 p.m.