#' @describeIn setup_BioLockR get the BioLockJ projects directory path
#' @return get_BLJ_PROJ: the path to the BioLockJ project directory
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # set_BLJ_PROJ("~/Documents/BioLockJ/pipelines")
#' # get_BLJ_PROJ()
#' # >[1] "~/Documents/BioLockJ/pipelines"
get_BLJ_PROJ <- function(){
# have I already figured this out this session?
if ( !isReadableValue(BLJ_PROJ) ){
# is it given in my config file ? if yes, use that!
config = get_config_file_path()
vals = read_props_file( config )
BLJ_PROJ = vals[["BLJ_PROJ"]]
if ( !isReadableValue(BLJ_PROJ) ){
# if its not there... is it in env ?
BLJ_PROJ = Sys.getenv("BLJ_PROJ")
if ( !isReadableValue(BLJ_PROJ) || !file.exists(BLJ_PROJ) ) {
message("Please use set_BLJ_PROJ() to set a valid location.")
stop("Invalid location for BioLockJ project directory:\n ", BLJ_PROJ)
options(BLJ_PROJ=BLJ_PROJ) # remember for this sessions
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